Apr 22, 2006 19:21
i feel kind of upset right now, so i thought i could talk and cram for latin tomorrow instead.
vacation seemed to slip by me so quickly, but i guess everyone says that. i haven't even touched my books, which might just be a problem on monday. shoot.
tennis, oh tennis. well, basically we had practice almost every day except for that time when john "emailed" us at 9:30 cancelling it. after practice, i would hang out with lilly. we would just randomly go to newtonville, and spend all of our money. which was great, she was like the only person i hung out with this vacay. i know, i am sort of like a loser. fine, i am a loser. but i did have a great time. so there. we ran one and a half miles on thursday, which was a great achievement for me. i didn't stop once. then afterwards, becca, maalika, and i went to see Sarah Dessen at Barnes and Nobles. She was...amazing. just like i expected: nice, sweet, funny. Then, becca treated us to cookies, cupcakes, and water. she's our sugar daddy. i got myself the book, "authobiography of a face" by lucy grealy. i read it in 7th grade for a book report, and fell in love with it. not only is her life a story in its own, by her writing is incredible. that's the kind of books i should be buying. after i finished "truth and beauty" by ann pachett, i remembered that i still haven't bought the book so i needed to get it.
i also got "the other boleyn girl", "memoirs of a geisha", "just listen", and a sudoku book. The one that i got with lilly was too advanced, so i need to do some easy ones before challenging myself (if not, i can't help but look at the key when i get stuck).
after practice and hanging out with lilly, i would go and help out my mom with the kids. they love me- they call me their "aunt", which is really sweet in russian. anyways, i am their idol. which is kind of weird for me to think of. they are sweet kids, but omg i get tired so easily. i am certainly rethinking kids of my own.
lilly and i share one big point, that i am pretty sure the rest of the team agrees on- john is horrible. yep. there are so many things that i can name about him, that there wouldn't be enough space. i still think he is a good person, but sometimes that's all i can do from saying something to him. he did say "why can't all freshmen girls be like anna?" but i think he was just happy that i responded immediatly when he said my name.
i still stink at tennis, but i am getting better. there are days when i feel i am improving, but there are also a lot of days when i feel i am getting worse. i just need to practice- that's what i keep saying to myself.
so today we had practice at 9 o'clock, and... john didn't even bother to show up. that's one of the points. poor carolyn, he calls out a random time and she has to drive up and coach whenever it suits him. then he calls every moment to tell her how to coach.
after practice, i went to my aunt's, took a shower, and we went to see "swan lake". there's one thing i want to say about it. you know what, that's not true. there are a lot of things that i want to say about it. first of all, if you are expecting to see a classic (like i did), you will be shocked (like i was). first of all, ALL of the swans are MEN. are they against women??? so you would see like the prince dancing with a swan, and then they would lift each other up, and....it was weird. not in the i-don't-feel-comfortable-with-men-being-intimate (which is fine by me- see play on words), but men performing ballet together? that was a first for me. the whole time i was waiting for the men swan to turn into pretty swans in tutus. never happened. and plus- those men were without shirts and glistering with sweat- not attractive- but they were dancing hard. and good. they were really good.
also, there was a '70s bar, and they danced disco. and they had these funny parts. unexpected, but not bad. it was good, and everyone was amazing.
then i got home, and dad and i got into a fight. so a great way to end the evening. but whatever, i know i am right. altho, now i am not sure i can go to peri's tomorrow. urgh, can't WAIT until november. everyone should start saving up money for me to buy a car, so that i can drive all of you guys.
i hope you had a great vacation.
with many kisses, your anna.