Wow, Invisible Power went fast, but I still have an extra copy each of
The Book of Margery Kemp ISBN 0-14-043251-5 and
New Worlds, Lost Worlds by Susan Brigden ISBN 0-713-99067-8 that no one has spoken for. Free to a good home. Seriously.
So last night I took a nap when I got home. I was just too tired and the lure of the comfy bed too strong. Once I woke up though, I found a burst of energy, or at least cleaning desire. So I emptied a bunch of the bathroom and bedroom trashcans and then went to work on my dresser-tops.
See, I have this dirty little secret. And it is that I use the horizontal surface on the top of my dressers as a dumping ground. I theorize that it all came about from sharing one bathroom with two sisters. I just got in the habit of not storing my toiletries in the bathroom on the counter, they just went on the dresser instead. This worked well in a dorm, and also in the college apartment, since the potty-room was tiny. I think the only time I've actually used a full counter-top in a bathroom was when I roomed with Mel and we each got our own bathroom with lots of counter. And it has served me well in living with Alan since we seem to have small bathrooms without lots of counter space.
The main downside of this practice is that I tend to pile and then never readdress. In the bathroom, you have to clean it every now and then. On my dresser tops, the piles can simply grow and grow and Alan only occasionally picks on me about it. So, I finally decided that last night was dresser-top purge-time. It took an hour (or more) but I finally cleaned up the old clothing tags, CVS receipts, extra button-bags, small purses, used hair ties, random notes, and lots and lots of dust bunnies to make the dresser tops presentable again. Wow, Alan came to check on my twice since I guess he was worried. Really, since I've been thinking of needing new bedroom furniture anyway, it is the first logical step to upgrading. After that cleaning spree, I had a low-key dinner, watched the Closer, and then spent some time adding new books to my online library listing at That was productive, although there are still a few new books that need to be added and resorted or something. Apparently I've just been in a purging and organizing streak lately. Gosh I hope it continues.
Tonight is ideally shopping with the superfantastic Theo, and then post-practice dinner with friends. Hooray.