feelin like a pimp :)

Mar 29, 2005 13:47

what a crazy day!

i really didn't feel like going to school today. well i never do, but today it was just ew! it was raining, and i have NO clothes and it was just not a good morning. then steph called and told lindsay to check the news bc she heard there might not be school. i was like omg we are leaving thats just some stupid freshman starting a rumor. but then we're driving and we kept getting all these phone calls and by the time i got to eng's it was decided that school definately was closed! it sucked that it had to be because of a bomb threat but still lol. no school wooo!

so eng and eryka came back with us and eng and i had a very busy morning lol! first we went to breakfast with maria, then to get gas, visit my mom, back home to drop the girls off at their friends, then shopping, lunch, and then we brought my poor riles to the vet. good time lol! soon chris is coming over for a bit, then tennis and who knows!

last weekend was so random! it was a good one tho! friday was the swim party that no one showed up to and i got my senior gift which i love!! thank you eng, bess, and domingo!! after i hung out with chris and we had a tickle fight that i won as usual. he always squirms and then gives up like 5 seconds into it because he can't handle my tickling skills. sometimes he even cries because he's such a baby. hahahahhahaha love love!

saturday morning chris and i did some errands before he went to work. then eng and i went driving and then went to panera with danny and andrew. it ended up being a really good/funny/random/fun night. i'm glad we hung out and eng was too.

sunday was easter and chris was with my family all day except when we went to his house to say hi. he looked so cute all dressed up!! aww. then i had tennis 4-6, so chris decided to come and watch for a little bit, but he ended up getting in a fight with this tennis boy that no one likes who was talking about me. i knew something was wrong when i looked thru the window, but i didnt know what lol and i thought it was between chris and matty or something but it ended up being that random kid. lol god i can't take him anywhere without him causing trouble :)

so thats it for now!

<3 megs

*first match april 6!
*my 18th april 7!
*one year april 8!
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