Here I go again......

Oct 01, 2005 13:02

1. Spell your first name backwards: sirahc
2. Story behind your name: it sounds like my cantonese name
3. How old are you: 19 (20 in oct!)
4. Where do you live: Morton Grove/Peoria

5. Wallet - it's pink and big
6. Toothbrush - electric
7. Jewelry worn daily - earrings, 2 bracelets on my right wrist, and 1 bracelet on my left
8. Pillow cover - lots of flowers on it
9. Sunglasses - made by guess
10. Favorite shirt - hmm.....too many to describe
11. Cologne/Perfume - in the rain by calgon
12. CD in stereo right now - none, all the music is on my computer
13. Piercings - 1 in each ear
14. What you are wearing now - mudd shorts with my hs cross country shirt that has the mastercard thing in the back
15. Wishing - to get all A's in all my classes this semester
16. Wanting - to go do something outside, it's such a nice day!
17. After this - hw? ropes course? running?
18. If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what - I can't, I would feel guilty
19. Person you wish you could see right now - my good friend Matt
20. Some of your favorite movies - gosh...too many to name!
21. Something you're looking forward to in the coming month - my birthday!
22. The last thing you ate - brunch at Williams
23. Something you are deathly afraid of - spiders and drowning
24. Do you like candles - yes scented ones
25. Do you like incense - yes
25. Do you like the taste of blood - not really
26. Do you believe in love - definitely
27. Do you believe in soul mates - maybe
28. Do you believe in love at first sight - no, but I believe in lust at first sight
29. Do you believe in Heaven - not sure
30. Do you believe in God - no
31. What do you want done with your body when you die - buried?
32. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? - I still want my kitty Lucky!
33. What is the longest you've ever stayed up - til 4:00 am? i think
34. Can you eat with chopsticks - yes
35. What's your favorite coin - quarters...cause they're worth the most!!
36. What are some of your favorite candies - chocolate, esp dark chocolate!! and peanut m&m's
37. What's something that you wish people would understand about you - that I just don't give into peer pressure no matter how much you pressure me. If I want to do something, it's b/c I want to do it
38. What's something you wish you could understand better - men
39. Who is someone that you really wish was still around - my grandmother
40. Who are your best friends? Jamie! Matt!
41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend - no
42. Longest relationship - 1 year and a half
43. How many actual relationships have you been in - many
44. How many people have you kissed - many
45. Are you shy around your crush - sometimes
46. Still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with - no
47. Do you know what it feels like to be in love - absofuckinglutely (as said by Big in Sex and the City)
48. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends - hmm....probably

f a s h i o n | s t u f f

49. Where is your favorite place to shop - too many places to name!
50. Have any tattoos - no, but I wish I did
51. What is your favorite thing to wear - all my clothes!
52. What is a must have accessory - lip gloss
53. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing - not much
54. Who is the least fashionable person you know - my dad
55. Do you match your belt with your hair color - no
56. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good - when I was in 4th grade, I thought I looked good in overalls
57. How many pairs of shoes do you own - 10
58. What is the worst trend you see today - store-bought ripped jeans, bring me your jeans and I'll rip them for you
59. Do you do drugs - nope
60. What kind of shampoo do you use - the VO5 strawberries and cream.....mmmm
61. What are you listening to right now - Hero of the Day by Metallica
62. Who was the last person that you called - my parents
63. Where do you want to get married - at a beautiful place, I haven't really thought about it yet
64. How many buddies are online right now - 40 out of 84
65. What would you change about yourself - my negative thoughts
66. What are essentials in your life - friends, family, and a good game of poker ;)
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