Sep 29, 2005 21:54
Party has been moved do to pats mom. Sorry guys its now at the hotel across from the airport i cant think of the name right now but ill post tommorrow! sorry its soo sudden if you guys need a ride let me know i can pick you up *carpool* lol bring ur suits were gonna swim lol if u still can that is haha! love you all and cant wait to see u!
ps call me for the room numbers when u get there!
******* IMPORTTANT **********
Now i dont know how hard this is to understand but for the fucking retarded people: NO MEANS NO! i dont know any other way to put it.
1.If your not on the list your not getting in simple as that.*No Exceptions*
2.I dont care if you think you know somone your still not getting in.
3.If you try to still get in you will regret it!
4.Oh and if you think your gonna find a clever way to get in odds are i already know about it so dont.
You guys are pathetic... i mean really its a fuckin birthday party that somone else is throwing for me so why would they invite bitches i dont like! there i said it i dont fucking like you! wow! now you know I tried being nice but its gotten so rediculous i cant be nice anymore! Noone there wants you there either oops now you know that to! You guys know who you are! I dont even know you guys so why are you so upset about comming really! You dont even have enough people there that like you so why would they invite you. Sorry just thought i would put this out there because im tired of getting lame phone calls saying why wasnt I invited or why wasnt and so invited. If i didnt personally call and ask you to go then your NOT INVITED! simple as that so i hope you understand now! If your still confused on why your not invited you can call me and ill be glad to tell you myself.No wait if you are wondering if im talkin about you odds are i probably am! so dont bother callin me. *thanks BN*
♥ I love you all...well most hehehe ♥