Work, work, work!

Aug 14, 2011 19:20

Yo! Sup everyone! I'd do a paragraph in Japanese to get some extra practice but, I'm at work and the "type in Japanese" function has been disabled XD

Sooooo it's been 3 months today! yay! I'm surviving! Nothing really too important to report. I might be moving already but that's only because the management of my building is changing... go figure! I'm waiting to here from them to see what it is that I have to do... granted I should have done this 2 months ago when I first learned of it, but when have you ever known me not to wait until the last minute to do something ^_^

I've been looking at quite a few different options... craig's list and other oak houses... I really think that I'd rather move into an apartment with someone if I have to move but at the same time I really don't want to change houses. I'm 8 min from work and I finally started talking to some of the people in my house... and I've got like a huge crush on "Satoshi". That's in quotes 'cause I actually can't remember his name XD I was so nervous when he and Yuuki talked to me that only Yuuki's name stuck. But I saw him on the way to the station the other day and, if I hadn't been running late I would have stopped to say hi. But the thought occurred to me that he was probably coming back from his girlfriend's place or something 'cause it was around 10am. *shrug* he's still kinda epic and I'd love to get to know him better but... mah I never see him. He lives on the 2nd floor and I hate using the kitchen down there 'cause the one guy's bedroom is like attached to the kitchen. I think that the next time I see him I'm going to ask him if he staying or not... if not, then I won't worry about leaving.

Anyway, as far as work is concerned, things are really flipping fantastic. I'm getting a decent amount of bookings and I really love the people that I work with. I think that the one guy that works here might have a bit of a thing for me... and while I really don't find him attractive (I'm never attracted to black guys... half or otherwise.... Josiah doesn't count << ) I can't help but flirt a little. we'll be going out clubbing this weekend with our old manager and... well... it should be fun XD I'm a little worried that I'll end up doing something I'll regret. *shrug* we'll see.

Let's see.... oh! I'm about 10 lbs away from "healthy weight" range. I'm around 166~167 at the moment... and that in itself is kinda mind-blowing. I can't even remember the last time I was in the 160s. My size 12 pants are getting too big on me and, if I was actually exercising and cut out a few of the sweets / sweet drinks that I eat I'd probably be loosing more. Bur right now its sooooooo hot! And I really don't have the money to pay for a membership. You can't just pay when you walk into a gym here... you have to get a monthly membership. I keep getting flyers for shit but, eh... I have yet to do it. I need to get a better handle on my finances first I think. Really need to curb my spending. I think instead I'll just get some free-weights and get back into my 30 day shred. I'll look into running in the winter. ^_^

Sooo that's about it. Things are looking good here and they are going by so fast... I can't believe we are already half way through August already.... I can easily see myself staying for another year or so. I'll let you know how it goes! Peace out! I've got one last lesson to teach before I can leave with my dear Mikio. Lol this guy really makes me laugh. Ja!

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