May 10, 2005 15:48
My Plan:
Fast: Wed7pm-Fri7pm
Sat-Tue: 2-4-6 diet
*No eating after 7pm ever
*Working out 5-6days/week: 60minutes min. cardio, 30minutes light weight-lifting, 20minutes abs
*120oz water/day
*1/2c. skim milk for breakfast for calcium
*Daily multi-vitamin
*Green tea pills
*Fruit2O Plus (has caffeine, but 0 cals)
***Hunger = Success***
Sometimes, we think of hunger as the indicator of our body asking for food, but I think of it as my body telling me I am succeeding, I am in control, my body must submit to my will to be thin. Hunger is a feeling of accomplishment. Fullness is failure, because you are not enduring, not in control, not sacrificing enough. Hunger pushes us towards euphoria and perfection. We must suffer before claiming our ultimate prize--the perfect form. I think of it as a game, in which I must dodge obstaces (food), overcome physical desires, and endure pain to reach the finish line. My finish line is 102 pounds, my magic number.
After I reach that finish line, I will mark off a new one, and so on. In a race, you gain momentum, endurance, stamina to move forward--no one ever reaches the finish line and turns around, retracing the difficult steps that it took them to get there (falling back into food, gaining back the weight)... turning back is not an option. Don't give in after you've come so far. Every calorie cut, meal skipped, fasting hour passed is a step towards your finish line. The feeling of hunger along the way reminds us that we are nearing our goals... so endure the pain, crave the pain, but do not yield to your bodies demands. You are in control. Remember the days when you were so busy with life that fasting was easy--you can do it, it's a mental battle. Mind against body. Only the mind can transform the body; it cannot will itself to thinness. You must envision your perfect body and decide once and for all to create it. Go.
***It is the mind that makes the body.***