my account of past and happy days.

Feb 26, 2007 22:36

i just put limewire on my computer. i am the happiest girl in the world. a little cold but happy.

i know it's been ages but my adventures should be noted lest they evaporate into the sky and rain down in tiny little fragments and thus become distorted. to avoid the mess i offer you bullets, convenient and to the point.
+washinKton (district of columbia)
+environmental earth issues
+lily allen
+spring break? i really want to do something good for the world but i feel so frazzled and i don't know where to begin. ideas?!?!
+bad memory (i have.)

i hate my job in university relations. it seriously dries up my style. and classes. blah. can't it just be over? the substitute teaching is going along swimmingly, and cashiering is mindless but none too much bothersome. these days i have taken stronger footing in my stand that i am not in the business of making friends. i am fine with the ones i have and don't have, so leave me alone.

in other news...

a few days ago i spoke to our old friend diaz. telephoned him. broke my heart. something about drugs and fcking crazy parties/tout.le.monde/tous.les.jours/girlsgirlsgirls/sharks. & also that having a girlfriend around was a bad thing and a waste of time; suckers up yer resources (perhaps the availability of resource would be required for this? a random ponderance, i'm sure, but...) the jaime that used to live in there moved out and now that spirit is taking over me. unfortunately for him, a worse one has moved in. he's moving to colorado soon. hopefully he gets restored to himself then. i am doing all i can by praying; does god even listen any more when it comes to that boy?

as for my number one,
my sun and moon and stars,
i am happy & blessed. he is perfect. adorable, angelic, kind, sincere, dorky, sensitive yet masculine...
i am finally the content i have long wanted to be. i am not stressed about finding things. things have found me. i know i won't have to deal with any more false promises. 'apartment' 'trips' 'jobs...' all those lines diaz used to cough up. when bekir tells me we're going to do something, we do it. i like making him happy in exchange for all his perfect love. in this i do not mean to inspire any jealousies. i really just want everyone to know that for the most part i am happy and i am good.

it is as if this is all a dream. if it is i hope to never wake up.
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