Arghhh journal shmurnal...I'm so rubbish at keeping this up! Sorry for my rambling, incohenrent entries, I'm just busy, lazy and a very spazzy cazzy :D Thanks to for noticing I was gone *feels cyber special!* Anyway, I have now finished my second year of university, if all goes to plan this time next year I will be a uni graduate...damn thats scary :-\ But it means I've finished all exams until next January *struts around room*, am free to sleep until 4pm every day *does lap of room* and am getting ready for a cool summer in America *does cartwheels around room* The past week since my last exam has been rad with a capital raaaah :D Ali came to stay and we went to see Monster at the cinema, its a very good film and Cristina Ricci is beautifuuuul in it :) Been to see Lil in Bath too which was fun, we stayed up sewing all of friday night making really cool fairy pixie skirts out of bright coloured net and irredescent fabrics, they look dead good :D I wore mine to dress up as a pinkjellypixie fairy lady to the rock city allnighter on Saturday and got lots of "ooooos" and "ahhhhs" at it :D I was very, very drunk and had a great time but woke up in the morning with a very swollen lip :-\ This week is Rock Soc liver and brain massacre where we do a different rock society fun thing everyday, yesterday we all went bowling and me and Han rocked out with our bowling skills in that we very often didn't hit any pins at all...:D Tom, Stu, Ali and Ali's girlfriend Laura were super amazing though with their leg movements so our team did get some points :D Tonight it's the formal dinner too which should be fuuun.
Arghhh has everyone seen the new badgers?! comedy genius indeed, I had this on for about 2 hours lastnight while I grooved away in admiration. Never mind Alex Frost, Weebl and Bob are my new dream love! Check it out
cellular, modular, interactive-odular BANANA PHOOOONE! hehe now don't tell me it doesn't make you ant to get yaw groove on ;)
Oh and also, for the juggalos and juggalettes out there me and
clairey_mcfairy have set up
ukjuggalettes a live journal community for the oh so amazing website to play in :D so if your down with the lady uk clown please do join up! We don't have many members yet but I think I'll go and whore it about on other communities after I've finished this so we should get looots of pretty members :)
Anyway, I should probably get out of my PJs now so bye bye!