(no subject)

Feb 23, 2014 11:18

Ahh! Kris got offered a job! The first place he interviewed on Friday, which ended up being the job he really wanted, said they had a few more interviews to get to but would make a decision over the weekend & let him know early next week. Well, yesterday evening, they called & offered him the job. There was no having to think it over, he said yes immediately. So he put in his 2 weeks notice today. I am soooo excited. The first 90 days he'll be 1099, and after that he'll be put on payroll and could be given his first raise. They evaluate quarterly so there's a lot of opportunities to get raises if the boss thinks he's doing a good job. His title is IT Technician, and he'll be 1 of 10 people at this company (Mobile IT). He'll be given a few clients, and he'll go out to the different locations each day so he'll have the chance to learn from a lot of different scenarios. He'll be given 33cents/mile which is nice, since most of the places he'll be going are closer than where he drives for work now. Insurance will be more expensive, however, the plan is a lot better than he currently has & we won't pay a deductible. He'll have the same amount of vacation time/sick days/PTO as he does now which is awesome since that was one thing he thought wouldn't be as good as his current job. So we can still go on our yearly camping trip. Basically, it is all just awesome, and Kris is so happy, he couldn't stop smiling last night after he got the call. I hope that he loves it, I think it will really make him be in a better mood. He's been pretty much constantly stressed since having Maddie, always worrying about money & not knowing when or if he'd find a better job. And going on interviews that he thought went well but end up not leading to anything. He's worked so hard, and I knew when the right job came around that he'd get it. I'm so glad it's finally come around and he can start his career (not just a JOB) and we can continue to improve our life and the girls' lives. Everything has slowly gotten better and better for us, and even though things haven't been easy and we've had to work hard, it's really made us appreciate these things we've worked hard to get & worked hard to accomplish.

via ljapp

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