Aug 13, 2004 22:39
Tonight me Pete Hefely + Dave Palumbo went to the St. Rocco's was pretty cool. :)
Stuff I got today:
~a sweater
~a $ that is your money's worth my friends
~3 pairs of pants
~pack of 12 sharpies (not for getting high, I swear)
~pack of 6 pens
~a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeny tiiiny little highlighter! :P (DOOOOORK.)
~a pretty yellow composition notebook
~a poster of how to make various alcomaholic drinks for my friend's birthday
~5 rolls of duct tape- yellow, orange, red, blue, green - all for like $6...oh man <3 duct tape!!
~a roll of white duct tape
And guess who was also at Lowe's (where all that duct tape came from).......JJ! (But I didn't say anything to him 'cause my mom was there.)
So yea...not a bad day at all :D
Love, moi. (Or not. completely up to you.)
If you've gots the poison I've gots the remedy!