Aug 28, 2004 14:58
well as i said the past few days were pretty gay. we played a show @ ottisville town fair battle of the bands...and we sucked. I think we lost alot of fans because of that bullshit. and i think the people who went 2 club ny know that we are capable of so much more. And theres just so much drama in my life an i fuckin hate it. people think i use people. people think im stuck up. w/e who cares wtf they have 2 say. i have my real friends and thry know who i really am :). umm what else.....umm in early october late september we're playing with a band called "aria decline" u can check them out on pure volume( ). ryan loves my mom (well he says he does) umm sarah is drawing sum gay bittersky sign right now. what else....I LOST the bottom of my MIC STAND GGGGAAAAAARRRRRRR......a buncha fuckin wankaz. aright i think im done....
Dead Poetic owns u
so does bitter sky
AND DeaDFall 2
im bored
ryans a fag
sarahs a retard
im a girl
Ryan: Why do i love penis? ..::in a homosexual voice::..
ummmm...yeah...i guess ill go.... :-/