Apr 12, 2005 16:29
oh my gosh....alright....first of all, my math class iv gotten a C, D, C on the tests, and that means I have onemore test to go, and i HAVE to do GOOD on this test, or I will get a D and I dont want a D. So then I thought I was doing pretty good in Art Histroy,w ell I Got a B+ and C+ and NOW I got a F on the last test, and the most I can get in the class is a C+, and thats if I get a 100, which will not happen. I am freaking out, I cant handle this. Seriously, I just took a stress test, and I am way toooooo stressed out. I studied for this math test too, I am pissed. I did all the homework and everything. And I have attended every art history class, taken notes, and everything. And I get an F, Im so mad, you have no idea.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......