I hate everything about you but I like your pants around your feet...it would make a good song!

Feb 19, 2004 15:19

Nickelback was awesome. Screw all the uncomfortable details and bad few moments that I did have, because that doesn't matter the concert rocked!! I went and it was amazing! (my test this mornig though...not so amazing... oh well...)

I was sitting at home and all of a sudden it hit me that I was sad because everybody was going and it was Nickelback and bands (good) never come to Cornwall! so I was whining to Paul online and said that he had ordered tickets before he knew he was going to leave and I could have one if I wanted it. I realized that the only reason I was going is because Dave was working and that simply wasn't a good enough reason. My mom said that I could go but only if I had some extra cash just incase Paul couldn't get through to the box office from Japan and so that I wasn't super disappointed when I got there (my mom does have faith in Paul but not in Cornwall??)...so I called Dave and he said he would give me the cash for the ticket just incase (thanks Dave)
So things changed last minute (thanks Paul) and thankfully Amanda took me along(thanks Amanda). I had to pay for my ticket and then get it refunded later when I took the box office wasn't so rushed and I could explain the situation better(thanks Brent for coming with). I ended up sitting with Brenda and her beau Brent and that was cool(thanks Bren and Beau). Bren maybe slightly annoying and have a very negative outlook on life but last night I was so glad to see her and sit with her in my section because I was all alone for awhile...waiting for Three Days Grace to take the stage. But I realized that I was being silly by being upset that I was standing alone at the concert...it's freaking Cornwall...I would eventaully saw somebody!! But it all ended up okay I was actaully hoping to see Bren becasue other than Amanda I knew that she wouldn't be upset by me crashing her evening! The show was sweet, Cornwall's skanky girls finally proved that they have a purpose...80 bras and panties were thrown on stage and Nickelback said they were pretty sure that that was a record. I was impressed and yet freaked out by the explosions and fire even when they were predictable!!

I am feeling alot better, the past few days have been sunny and beautiful and I think the winter slums are starting to lift! I am realizing though that I need to start working on me. I am too apologetic, I think it goes along with being incredibly passive! I say that I will stand up for myself but as soon as it comes time to confront I becaome a baby and refuse to say anything. I constantly do this, at restaurants I will eat the wrong food if the order is messed (unless it' horribly wrong) If I get overcharged for something like the other day in Giant Tiger--I managed to get the balls to say it and then she (cashier) Looked at me really annoyed and said 'I can call the manager to check but it will hold up the line' so I said it was fine and rushed out. I mean it was only 2 bucks or something but...Or the braid lady...I had to take Amanda with me so that she didn't say mean things to me...but had she asked for money I would have paid her... even though she should do it for free. Last night at the show too. I knew Paul had a ticket on hold for me and that all I had to do was show ID and ask for it but as soon as I did, the lady was like 'no tickets on hold for anyone' and it was loud and people were in line behind me and what would they think of meor say to me, Amanda was waiting and I had already made her late and I had the money just in case...you may think I am crazy but these things constantly go through my head in every situation! Or I will say that I will be tough and maybe say comments to myself or within my group of friends but as soon as it comes up I can't. Then I get mad at myself for it...does that make me a classic passive aggressive? Like for example King Goerge still owes me pay but I am too afriad of the mean guy yelling at me so I won't go and get it. Or if for some crazy example I get the courage to say something and stand strong...I will feel guilty for a long time...
So I am going to try and be assertive! Like I know that I kinda wimped out last night but atleast I went back right? Even though I needed support from Brent. I am going to try and be important and work on my self esteem!
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