There are some things in life that can't be controlled.
Greed of which I suppose, is the greatest devil of all.
Some people seek to improve, some people just remain stagnant.
But ultimately, one has to really think of what one wants to know the next step.
And right now, my mind is but a mere mess of confusion.
I suppose that sometimes, choices that people have to make just makes things very confusing.
Anyway, I headed to the Career and Education Fair with Diana yesterday.
I'm keeping my options open for a back up plan should Plan A not succeed.
But it's a really tough decision to make.
Especially since there's all the issues from home to consider.
There's just too much to consider.
Anyway, tutoring has become part of my daily life.
I've currently 4 kiddos.
And the new student isn't as bad as I thought he'd be.
And indeed, first impression matters.
The parents loved me so much the moment they saw me. XD
So did the brother of the kiddo.
They kid did like me too I suppose =)
And they've got this awesome looking place.
And well, let's just say that this kid is gonna be one case.
And it's somewhat good to be occupied.
I'm teaching 6 out of 7 days in a week.
Anyway, I'm one who enjoys online shopping.
The sprees and stuff, it's just fun.
I've always been in support of sprees and such cos' I think it's a fun thing to set up.
And just 2 days ago, I was looking at a page with studs that is for decorating purposes.
Iron on studs. I expressed my interest in getting the stuff and mentioned that I'll place my order on Sunday.
And just last night, I got a comment on one of my entries that this other lady noted of my interest to purchase the studs and decided to 'promote' her wares too.
I'm open to suggestions but somehow thought that it was plain ride to 'poach' someone else's customers.
However, I was still open to the options available.
I checked out her site since she claims that she has ready stock for the goods.
And I was mildly surprised by the price difference in a certain design that she is offering as compared to the other lady.
The following records our 'conversation'.
I mean, isn't it plain rude to be 'poaching' others' customers?
And I was merely asking for the reason behind the price difference as compared to the other lady.
I mean, if you wanna sell your wares and promote your stuff, do give a reasonable price.
And with that pretty rude reply of like 'its not so costly, its not like 100 to 200 dollars more or something'.
HELLO! A few bucks is money. And that's one of the reason why people opt for online shopping, cos' you save that few bucks as compared to buying stuff in town!
It's not like it's dust or dirt.
It's money. And it's pretty insulting to give such a comment.
Furthermore, she went on to explain that she started this 'business' first and the other party was 'stealing' her business.
I mean, all is fair in the world of business.
If she had gone to the extent of advertising like the other party and failed in getting more customers, it might just be her fault.
Thing is, she didn't. She resorted to 'poaching' others' customers.
And with a claim that the other party started her business later and 'stole' her business.
It's simply not right.
Well, it's no wonder that her 'business' response is so lukewarm.
My heart just goes out to her.
And she's simply the kind of spree organizer NOT to spree with.
Even if she's got nice wares.
On the other hand, I take my hat off to her for taking the effort to 'poach' someone else's customers.
She must really be desperate.
Or maybe she's just really 'kind'.
Who's to judge anyway?