Last night was awfully terribly as I tossed and turn and failed to sleep.
Even this morning was terrible as I fell in and out of sleep.
But! Baby's call made my morning so well.
And well, mummy's arrival home + cartoon's SCOLDINGS woke me up too.
Yeah, I've a dog who SCOLDS my mum for not letting him pounce on her.
He scolds her when she stays out the entire night and come home only early in the morning.
Anyway, today was boring yet not so boring.
Meeting in Marine Parade for IEP ended up in no work done cos of some complications.
Meeting for Market Research started late.
Mel and I went shopping and indeed, there are a lot of good buys around right now.
I got a skirt for 5 bucks! =D
After which, we went on a wild goose chase in attempt to seek a printer to photocopy the surveys.
It was pretty screwed.
But oh well, at least Baby's support made my dull afternoon so much better.
Headed for tuition after which and was almost late.
I'm pretty glad that the kiddo can actually do addition of like 20s and 30s with the use of working.
And he's only in K2 starting today.
Suppose that, and the monday excitement is just making me really happy.
Monday oh monday! =D