Dedicated to Katie Consamus (I feel you, girl)

Dec 09, 2007 13:53

Because I like to procrastinate near the end of the semester when my brain is totally fried, and I STILL haven't e-mailed my FULL discussion to my Psychology Capstone Research professor even though it was due Friday, I am doing an online lj survey thingy. See I got this cold from my BOYFRIEND, whom I still love and adore. (Ref. pictures of him and I via Facebook or the few here on lj). Then, on Thursday I felt like I had ANOTHER bladder infection. The total is now three in the pat 2 years or so I believe. I am in immense pain, so I go to my professor and she totally understands. I still feel guilty, however, because this course has been an AWESOME experience. ANYWHO, I go to my nice gynecologist's office with Nick waiting in the waiting room (see the immense love and adoration) and find out that my hypothesis was correct. While waiting for my doctor I try to get my Results section done to e-mail off to her. (Subsequently, I don't get it done until about 11:30 p.m. that night.) I e-mailed my Discussion section last night, but it is NOWHERE NEAR DONE. So I have a bladder infection with a cold and I just WANT TO DIE (not fer reals or anything). So now I have procrastinated on teh internets for all of work at the library. I only have an hour left here (when I started this post NOW it is like two minutes) before I have to head off to strike the one acts, which is another RIDICULOUS POST to make. Plus, I still have to shelve some books. So where is my sanity, you may ask? NOT QUITE SURE WHAT TO TELL YOU (Ref. Pixies' song "Where Is My Mind?") Taking 18 hours my senior year...WHAT WAS I THINKING? This is what happens when you don't vent on lj and have had WAY TOO MUCH CAFFEINE in the past three days. So, in conclusion: "This is justone of those slow-mo emotional train wrecks you find yourself living in from time to time" - Life At Absolute Zero (Thank you Katie Consamus!)

So here's this survey I preempted this whole thing with (Thanks Maggie!):

001. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Oh I want to kiss him like there's no tomorrow
002. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? not really, not yet I should say
003. What are you dreading right now? not getting shit done
004. Do you celebrate 4/20? yes, yes I do
005. Favorite country singer? Johnny Cash all the way

006. What face cleanser do you use? St. Ive's Apricot Cleanser for Acne Prone Skin
007. When was your last doctor's visit? Friday - my gyno appt. (see above)
008. Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep? the past two nights I have because my body CRAVES sleep but not usually
009. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Could be 5 minutes to an hour
010. "First loves are never over." You have to move on to love another in my opinion.
011. Would you take any of your exes back? I took Nick back. That says something I guess.
012. If anyone came over to your house on one of your "lazy days" would you go get ready real quick? Depends who it is - a person I haven't seen in a long time ABSOLUTELY and probably if it was Mary Baker (she's very persuasive) :)
013. Does your school have tornado drills? Not actual drills for them... but we have them when there are warnings and stuff
014. Have you ever been on your school's track team? Hahaha no
015. Do you own a pair of Converses? I really want to but I do not
016. Who did you cut and paste this survey from? Maggie (chiyo_no_saru)
017. Do you eat raw cookie dough? oh yeah baby right from the mixing bowl
018. What color shirt are you wearing right now? white with tie dye design
019. What did you do for your last birthday? Went out to dinner with family and friends
020. What time did you wake up today? 9:30 a.m.
021. What were you doing 3 nights ago? writhing in pain and working on my Results section for Capstone
022. Last time you saw your mom? Friday at my one act showing
023. Do you like having your hair pulled? I am a kinky little bitch
024. Are you cocky? in a sardonic sense
025. Shortest relationship? 2 weeks - freshman year of high school
026. Longest relationship? almost 2 years - current
027. How many ex-boyfriends/girlfriends have told you they love you? 3 I believe
028. Last gift you received? I don't remember.
030. Could you live without a computer? Yes but it would not be convenient
031. Do you wear shoes in your house? Sometimes when it's cold or when I forget I have them on or when I am just there for a short time
032. When you watch movies at home, do you turn the lights off? Most of the time, yes
033. Ever seen a beaver cross a road? No...WTF was that question about even?
034. Ever dropped your cell phone? all the time..I'm clumsy
035. What do you do when you're sad? I usually cry.
036. Who would you call first if you won the lottery? My boyfriend
037. When was the last time you saw your best friend? Last night when I hung out in their apartment...I have best friends (plural)
039. What is your favorite month? July - It's birthday and tank top month
040. What sleeps with you every night? Almost every night it's Nick but I have a body pillow as his replacement when I'm not sleeping at this place
041. How many times have you been pulled over? Twice
044. What is your favorite dessert? It's a tie between cookies and ice cream
045. Is anyone on your bad side right now? Nope Don't care anymore if they were
046. What jewelry are you wearing? None...I tend not to (I'm LAZY)
047. What's the first thing you do when you get online? I have to admit it...Facebook
048. When was the last time you worked out? God I guess with Katie a week and a half ago I think...I'm excited to do it again though CAN'T WAIT
049. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? Never have
050. How do most people spell your name? Margret (It sounds that way but it is spelled Margaret)
051. Do you wear your boyfriend/girlfriend's clothes? occasionally
052. Do you watch pro sports on TV? Sometimes I catch international soccer or a Cards game
053. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? being at work on the internet (the same thing I'm doing now!)
054. What was the first movie that gave you nightmares? It (now I LOVE it)
055. What is in your CD player? nothing...I gots me ITunes playin
056. Name one person that made you smile today? Nick
057. What were you doing around 8 am this morning? sleeping glorious sleep
058. Do you know anyone who wasn't born in the United States? yes a lot of the international students I'm friends with
059. Favorite name(s) for a girl: Lily
060. Will you keep your last name when you get married? Possibly...Nick wants me to take his, if we do, though.
061. Your favorite restaurant you don't get to eat at much? Faratto's or Modesto's (hard choice)
062: Favorite boy names: Oleander (it's a poisonous bush and Nick hates the idea of that as a boy's name), Nicholas, and Thomas
063. Do you buy your own school supplies? Yes but since my dad is a professor at SLU he gets tax exemption stuff
064. Do you already have your school supplies? Ummm for this semester YES
065. How often do you wash clothes? Usually twice a month or more...try and get full loads
066. How do you eat your steak? Never. I am vegetarian.
067. What is the farthest point North you've been? North Dakota
068. How do you get to school? to work? Walking
069. If you heard your phone ringing right now, who would you expect it to be? Nick
070. What do you hear? music and people shuffling in the library
071. Would you survive in prison? probably not
072. Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? James.
073. Do you get along with your co-workers? Definitely, but I don't really have many.
074. When was the last time you said I love you, and meant it? at 11 a.m. when I called Nick
075. What song is playing right now? Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
076. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would pack the most? Mary
077. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? yes a handful that I found on Facebook
078. When was the last time you went clubbing? Oh God last year at Dante's to see DJ Slante (Dom Laury)
079. What was the weather like today? Rainy, cloudy, dreary, shitty :(
080. What is the next holiday you have off? Christmas! Hell yes!
081. What was the last movie you saw? Enchanted
082. What's for dinner? no idea...It's Nick belated birthday dinner with his family..It will probably be at McGurk's so mushroom caps and cheesy potato soup too bad I can't have a Guiness with the antibiotics and all
083. What's the last thing you purchased? besides food from Crazy Bowls and Wraps, I got underwear from Victoria's Secret
084. What's your favorite gardening tool? watering can
085. Where is your cell phone? in my right jeans pocket
086. Is your phone on vibrate or ring most? ring mostly..when I'm at work it's on vibrate
087. Describe your underwear? gray and boring...Nick is not going to care since we can't risk sex with this infection and antibiotics
088. How did your first pet die? We found Chloe the First goldfish floating upside down in her fish bowl
089. Did you have breakfast this morning? generic Fruity Pebbles (called something else)
090. What's on your agenda for tonight? dinner with Nick's family and then a shit ton of homework
091. Who knows you the best? Nick
092. What brand is your digital camera? I wish, dude.
094. Are you ticklish? You better not might get accidentally kicked in the face BY MY FOOT
095. Last person to text you? Abby Reiter
096. What song describes your love life at the moment? I'm going to be corny and say the song Nick always sings to me: Harry Connick Jr's Heavenly
097. Do you own expensive cologne/perfume? no I got my new perfume from Walgreens for half off (Clinique's Happy)
098. On average, how much do your jeans cost? $20
099. Are you taking college classes? Ummmmm YESSSSSS (SEE ABOVE)
100. Would you rather sleep alone or with someone? Depends on the bed.
101. Did you really make it all the way through this self-involved BS? ....yes?
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