May 27, 2004 00:31
Well lets see. Tonight I went to a concert in San Diego's Epicentre to go see Stretch Arm Strong and Terror. I didnt really enjoy the first two band therefor they are still un-named bands to me. It was a real good concert night though. Terror once again trashed the place. SAS was soo good, they are like on of my favorite bands and it was nice to seeing them here once again even though that they are here not so often. I got the mic twice. At the last song (For The Record) I got to sing the last couple of lines with him. It was sick.
Other news... Well my parents just got back home from Colorado and they did find a house. I saw pictures of it and the house looks really cool. If I would go with them I could have my own room in the furnished basement, which is nice. I've been thinking a lot about what I should do. Stay here or go to Colorado Springs. I been moving my whole life. I just want to settle down somewhere. I dont want to move somewhere and become a stranger all over again. Knowing me, if I lived out there I dont think that I would be doing much. Parents said that is few shopping centers around unlike CA and that its very spacey. I mean that its not like CA which they are building new shit all the time, you know?
Just I dont even know what I would be even staying for much anymore. My homies is a big reason but what can I do if I can't find a place here? I just have to move on... Don't have a lot of responsible friend nor do I really want to live with another stranger. Girls here... what about them? They just come and go into my life as it seems. It hurts me to like someone so much, but yet... they wont say "yes" to me. Let me think... I can think of 2 special girls in my life and I wouldnt like to leave them behind. (Back in Michigan... I said the same thing, "Won't forget them and will come back"... but over the years, I've noticed... what I am coming back for?) I don't want to act that same way that I have. But yet, the more I come closer to them... it hurts me, cause I know that I can not be with them.
I've had a friend for 2+ years or so. We started out being real good friends and stuff. We got in a big fight about some stupid shit and we didn't talk for maybe 6 months. She comes in and out of my life. I recently told her that I still had feelings for her over the 2 years... but yet she says that she is not ready to be in a relationship with me. It hurts me.. but what can I do about it? I have about a month left here and I tried to make the effect to visit, talk, whatever with her more... but with the feedback that I get from her seems like she is still to busy for my life.
With all these reactions and reflections of the past... I don't even know if I want to be here anymore either. But I guess for now... looks like I'm 75% moving from California.
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