Dec 30, 2004 16:40
ok wanna hear something that i think is pathetic...
i'm worrying about the day report cards come out bc i did rele bad i think..n im prolly gunan be grounded...GROUNDED!..n grounded at my house is no fone-computer or plans with prolly half or more of the ppl i kno no fone or computer is TRAGIC [sp?] we cnt live w.o like that too tho...its soo sad i we are soo attached to these things...but think..if we didnt have fone or computer to chat with frends to keep us busy..woodnt sum of our grades be higher?..if we didnt have these things to "distract" us...woodnt we have a hihger vocab bc we wood be reading more?...ive been thinking about this alot this week tht i cood be so like paranoid about my grades bc i dnt wanna have my fone or computer taken away it has nothing to do with me feeling bad about getting the grade or it has nothing to do with how my parents has to do wiht me not being able to talk to my frends n my bf...i have nothing to worry about i can go a month w.o these things..yah ill miss em n ill miss talkin to my frends tht dnt go to my skool...n ill miss jonny...n ill miss goin out with everyone on the weekends...but hell...sum kids get beat for bad grades...n sum parents dnt care how their kids do in skool n kids tht have parents tht dnt care tht much or dnt care at all end up being bad kids...n bad adults sumtimes...soo think next time u get grounded from the phone n computer bc of grades...think...its ur fault..