Haha, it wasn't THAT bad! My parents say it's no worse than Blair Witch Project. lol. I personally am just a huge fan of the fact that our closing credits were to "Rock the Casbah". Made me happyyyy. Sadly, the copy I have does not include Laura saying "Lay on Macduff, eh?". Booooo. Lol
Well, see...our class was stupid. Remember? I mean, not to generalize or anything, but a lot of really dumb people were in the class of '05. And most of them decided to take AP English junior year. Idiots.
But whatever... our movie was bad-ass. Because we, you know, understood the project. And also kick ass in general. =)
Indeed. It's still fun to mock them, really. "Why is 1/2 time 2 equal to 1?" ~Gaby Borges.
I dunno, man...Kate is a spectacular gay English character actor! But yeah, it would've been way more awesome if we were better actors. And if I didn't sound like a five-year-old on tape.
Definitely. Sometimes my conscience twinges a little, but for the most part, it's hilarious fun.
Truth, but is a gay English Macbeth appropriate? Eeeeh....I mean, I guess that does make Macbeth a lot more interesting. I'm really glad that I never watched the damn video. Just hid in my desk during the presentation.
I think gay Macbeth would be pretty damned interesting. Let's re-write that shit! Lady Macbeth is not a woman, but a transvestite. To be played in the film version by Eddie Izzard. And of course Macbeth is gaygaygay. And uh...the witches? Lesbians. A coven of high school gym teachers. I'm just sayin', it'd be way more fun than the original!
Teehee, I watched the video last night. It made me laugh...a lot. I was just sitting there like "hehehehehehehhe" for 7 minutes. Silly movie!
It was seriously only 7 minutes long. A full weekend of filming, more than 12 hours of editing, and we wound up with a 7 minute movie. Seems rather inefficient, really.
Consider yourself lucky. Very very lucky. The edit-a-thon was utterly terrifying and completely insane. But it paid off...it was a pretty bad-ass movie. I mean, considering it was filmed on a shitty camera, edited on a shitty computer, starring bad actors, and also it was our first ever film... considering all that it was pretty awesome.
And also I just realized how it's kind funny that we were like the opposite of Shakespeare. He had men playing women's roles. We had all women playing men's roles! Awesome.
I still remain really happy that I convinced you guys to use one of my favorite songs written for an anime soundtrack in the history of ever in that movie. Think it helped, anyways, that the music didn't distract from our shitty acting. Maybe?
Hehe. The soundtrack of Macvengebot was special, wasn't it? Lol. Tori, anime, The Clash... insane.
Also... I just remembered this... remember when we were filming in Kentlands, and then that Monday at school Thackston was like "I saw you guys filming in Kentlands" and it was awkward? Good times. Heh.
Let's make more movies. Blacklist Productions (a subsidiary of Laurs Is More Omnipotent Than You, Inc.) is bad-ass. Hahaha...
That was awkward, but pales in comparison to the time a friend and I went to see Kinsey, and ran into her band director, and he was all, "that sex movie, eh?"
How stupid was that stuff, no, really? @_@
Our closing credits > every other closing credit that class.
And really, what did people not get about that project? One scene, NOT the entire Macbeth story.
But whatever... our movie was bad-ass. Because we, you know, understood the project. And also kick ass in general. =)
Yeah, still, if only we had the mad acting skillz to put our vision to work, man.
I dunno, man...Kate is a spectacular gay English character actor! But yeah, it would've been way more awesome if we were better actors. And if I didn't sound like a five-year-old on tape.
Truth, but is a gay English Macbeth appropriate? Eeeeh....I mean, I guess that does make Macbeth a lot more interesting. I'm really glad that I never watched the damn video. Just hid in my desk during the presentation.
Teehee, I watched the video last night. It made me laugh...a lot. I was just sitting there like "hehehehehehehhe" for 7 minutes. Silly movie!
Was it seriously only seven minutes long?
It was seriously only 7 minutes long. A full weekend of filming, more than 12 hours of editing, and we wound up with a 7 minute movie. Seems rather inefficient, really.
I still feel kind of guilty I was out of town for the edit-a-thon, but not that guilty. :P
And also I just realized how it's kind funny that we were like the opposite of Shakespeare. He had men playing women's roles. We had all women playing men's roles! Awesome.
It was totally awesome and hilarious.
Also... I just remembered this... remember when we were filming in Kentlands, and then that Monday at school Thackston was like "I saw you guys filming in Kentlands" and it was awkward? Good times. Heh.
Let's make more movies. Blacklist Productions (a subsidiary of Laurs Is More Omnipotent Than You, Inc.) is bad-ass. Hahaha...
That was awkward, but pales in comparison to the time a friend and I went to see Kinsey, and ran into her band director, and he was all, "that sex movie, eh?"
Blacklist Productions, hah, best name ever.
Wow, that is awkward.
Definitely the best name for any production company ever.
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