- 1) My phone's ambisexual and decided not to go off for when I set it... Thus I woke up at 7:40... as opposed to 6:47.
- 2) After waking up an hour late... I still had to go get Sarah. (Not your fault, sis..)
- 3) I wore the wrong ribbon to school.
- 4) I realized we had to cheer two games tonight.
- 5) I remembered that I forgot to do my Reader's Response (second time in two weeks, I'm on a roll..)
- 6)I had to take a USH test.
- 7)I had to go to Spanish. (A reason everyday shouldn't happen, and yet I'm taking Spanish 4??)
- 8) Mr. Combs made sure I was aware of the multitude of assignments I owe him,.
- 9) I'm pretty sure I failed the Pre-Cal quiz, as I had no idea what I was doing for once.
- 10) My solo music was left in my car.
- 11) Mrs. Meek when nutso on me for answering the question she asked.
- 12) I was running late to get to the game because of I left EVERYTHING at home.
- 13) My freaking car died on the way to the game. Needless to say, I was late.
- 14) The two guys that helped me get my car out of the middle of Washington Street were sickasses and the few teeth they had were rotting.
- 15) Matt called Anna and wants to hang out.
- 16) Nate broke up with Sarah... what the fuck?
- 17) Pretty sure Brandon's getting back with Joana. Fuck that.
- 18) He got something from her. Bleh...
- 19) I got yelled at for not smiling when every time she looked I was smiling..
- 20) For the 17 millionth time, I realized how much I loathe Patrick Francis.
- 21) Our pep block sucks and I wanted to cheer for Frankfort's.
- 22) 50 Cent was at the game. (No invite to the crib, though... thank Heaven!)
- 23) My parents ditched me.
Sweet, huh? Don't you wish your day went as well as mine?
So I confuse myself. I don't want to like him because I know he's madly in love with her, but I can't help myself. It also doesn't help when people say we're "cute". Guh... I wish things came easier for me. Oh well...
I'm out like a prison escapee... Much love.