I adore you!!!!!!!!!! (the pic's VERY old but VERY cute =))
I sent a purezento to him too(^-^) Im so proud!
a bit newer pic too then : D
and it's stillllll very cute! Im right ne~^^;
and I say billion sorries for being late but I was at Tartu and umm~I didn't get network there and just.....just bad!
and now other stuff~=P
help me, I want ramen (
)and SSX (or SSX 2,3)so much!!!
and I wanted to ask who's going to An Cafe's live in London C.C club????=D
I'd love to go with this somebody who's going too:D(me and
electricxbeat are going ne ne ne^^;)
I hope somebody is going!!!~
+ How's ya new year going??:D great???
<- and of course I didnt forget to picture myself too:D~(im still sorry for the pictures being so small [<- my cellie's camera rocks you knoo] but i think nobody cares about it so blablaaaaa~xD)
AND!I bought a Donald Plushie~:D you can see it in my last pik~ku~
and~WHY IS SO FREEZING HERE???? wooohhh~ no snow but SO COLD wind and stuff~I need a hot choco<3 bye~
(waahh...LJ is shitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I posted this entry a while agoo but ..umm....nobody saw it or whatevva~;___; )