this is the best thing for ever!!!oooooooh~Im just so hyper!so active! so happy! so so so so so so energetic!!!and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a reason to live aaaaaaaagggghhhh!!! I just cant imagine that I'll see Miku and Kanon and Takuya and Teruki and Yuuki!!! god really loves caffekkos!!! Now I love god too!~
and!!! Im still happy!!! I'll be happy for ever and ever!~
And you toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right!
ok~! amazing new:D yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah=) ☆★
error error error error
Well~school news as always*-*
1) klets sucks! She put me"1" today (-_-メ
2)All students have a great influence on sooaluste so she's really a freak because she lets children to say whatever to her and stuff*he he he he* (and this isn't bad!uuh~not at all...but she's just annoying and weird>.<)
3)küüsmaa has still this stupid hair cut...-> curls and well...the hair cut doesn't look great on her X'D~
4)tekko's still boring as her speech! gaashhh~ BUT!her lessons are great for sleeping so she's a bit good!
~____~I hope that teachers don't have LJ! =) [the 4 news were about the teachers of our school~but im sure you understand it! ]
and other stuff: I made pictures again...I think it's depressing that I make so many pics...Im like a paparatso who paparatsotseb by myself!!! .___. * d u m b *
haah!I love these glasses! So funny~yepyep...and sorry about the "tongue-thing-spam" I dunno why I like to put my tongue out of my mouth...ヾ(▼ヘ▼;)
sweeter version of my tongue !
and now I really have to go (I'd love to post more here~but "seisus kohustab"...I have to study ;___; I'll have a lot to do in maths and Tekko's lesson...big test...)