(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 13:25

LJ Interests meme results

  1. cheesecake:
    mmmm cheesecake. My FAVORITE food ever. Its heavenly,I eat too much of it,and there is nothing on this earth like a good new york plain cheesecake except maybe a carmel cheesecake with a good crust.
  2. dmb:
    Dave Matthews Band,my favorite band for many years, and I'm really excited they have a new album out. My favorite song of theirs is Dancing Nancies but really most of their music is just amazing and Dave is a perfect lyricist.
  3. fantasy:
    well, this has many meanings. I love the fantastical,like LOTR and Harry Potter and Narnia and fairies and other worlds. I also love fantasizing and daydreaming and my imagination works overtime much of the day.
  4. hayden christensen:
    He's hot,he's Anakin...I used to be big fan, but this is just one of those shallow crushes and I love to drool.
  5. justin timberlake:
    Erm,yeah.I used to be the worlds biggest Nsync fan...no,really. I can't just let go of them that easily, and Justin is seriously good eye candy and I love to watch him dance.
  6. los angeles:
    One of the best times of my life was spent during my 7 days here. It was my first time travelling with out my parents, when I met Andy Serkis and briefly Dom Monaghan and Billy Boyd, when I learned about youth hostels and first got the international travelling bug by meeting so many Brits. LA means so00 much to me because of all this.
  7. my fiance:
    Well,he's now my husband. Should update that! Of course i'm interested in him he's the love of my life and the most important thing in it.
  8. political science:
    What i might change my major to when i return to college.I love politics, am very opinionated and want to make a difference.Might not be able to handle the hypocrites, evil beauracrats (nor do i want to turn into one) or republicans. Or maybe I will learn to handle it. Who knows.
  9. scottish accents:
    Rawwwr. They're sexy on men. I fell in love with Sean Biggerstaff's and Billy Boyd's accents and this is partly why i chose Scotland over other UK places. Seriously. I'm messed up.
  10. tolkien:
    The mastermind behind my life circa 2003. What would I have done in 2003 without him?

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