Feb 07, 2004 04:11

so yeah, i'd really like to be all organised and heathy in all aspects of my life, but as reflected in lj entires, i'm not, sadly i am just a fuck up, c'est la vest
le sigh
shit this was LAST week, gee i've been busy...

jonny[couldn't fit his big head in, ho ho ho]& charlotte, who looked adorable in my dress, yeah i know, never lend your clothes to someone when they're bound to look better in them than you.....

....le sex, aka maya <3 le jedables x
y por mi mica......[<3!]

yeah, well it wasn't exactly a supermarket mica, more a small sweet shop
but i think they all began to believe i was super sweet toothed cus being with charlotte makes it feel like a special occaision, so i have treats!
i bought bubblegum on a roll which has been the bain of my life ever since.... i have replaced cigarettes with bubbles!!!

charlotte had my dress again[the one i'd worn the previous night!]

....snd of course looked even more adorable :(
oh the amusement.......

jonny didn't want to take off his coat cus he matched, so of course i made him [he also matched himself the night before i realised looking at the photos....

....poor boy, had to work all the next day in that very shop, had to tidy up our mess...poor demented boy..
< stolen from miss charlotte.. >

/ stolen from charlotte! >

....steve burst my bubble, and then stood in shock for 20 minutes'

i deccorated eveyone with the free scarves[now im my possesion..], and oh the SALE sign was also my genious, whahahaha......

..DANCE DANCE DANCE!!!'s my party and i'll slump in the corner if i want to...
but whoosh yes muchos fun!i'm thinking i should have stolen more pics from charlotte buti felt guilty,,,i need a better camera, oh, and to take better photos...
and on tues day, i decided i would die my hair before going out....

..i am undecided on the matter
i wore

and jonny beautifully choreographed the photo with the birthday boy...

...big pimpin'
but it was all a bit strange and ucky, affected i think by the sick amounts of sleazy drunk old people, i'm still trying to get over being sqeezed betweena nd sleazed over at the bar by two drunk old glasweegians. yeesh *shudders*
as usual i have promised myself not to go there again

and then thursday, i spent stupid amounts of money on clothes after handing in the most embarassingly bad piece of work ever
then, the penhouse[just about] and then the pav tav, oh gee

....hmmm yes....can you say C A M P jonny???....

we went back to leigh anne's hoooose...

....i love this photo, and i like very muchly leigh anne, she's sweet, esp when she told me i was her favourite dancer.. looking forward to making friends more when she gets back from her trip home to canada...
and oh geez miss procter stayed over and we were lazy and didn't get out of bed and watched family guy all morning, and then laura joined us and we had a BIG HANG OUT day, with indoor picnics and then cheesy films, pizza, fried chicken&dips, cookie dough ice cream[!!!] AND cake and friends and sex in the city
wow funTHE IMPORTANCE OF HANGING OUT!!! ;too many people have hanging out missing from their lives...'>

i feel sick just looking at it


and oh dear, mister matt needed emo councilling tonight and i'm afraid i didn't do well in repaying the wonderful job he dided me last term,,,i hope we do meet up tomorrow and i can help with some fun and hugsxxx

and oh dear, just general confusion and OMG head fucks that i'm not even sure i want to think about
okay now lauren you can shut the hell up x-o
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