my deep entry for the week

Mar 05, 2005 18:41

What is the meaning of a true, best friend?
Is there such thing?
What do you think?

My true meaning of a best a meaning with no names involved...b/c so many friends have come and gone, and the meaning behind our friendships, will always count, reguardless of the matters which seperated the two of us.

When I look at one who I refer to as one of "my best friends" I have to think, what are these qualities that are different between them and I, and an accquaintence and I. and I'd have to say...these differences are such amazing qualities that set these people aside from others.

The one you spend almost every moment of your time with. and how amazing it is that you can go to school for 7 hours with this person(s) and then still somehow find something to talk about for 3 hours that night on the phone. and knowing, that you will spend every second with them when it comes to the weekend.

The one who you know will always have your back, even if you know for a fact that you dont like what their doing. You know that they have a good head on their shoulders, and will make the right decision in the end. You will always support the decisions they make, for it is their life, your just a part of it. You respect the choices they make, because you respect them.

The one who is broke off her ass with no money, but somehow still manages to find $10 for you to borrow. Amazing.

The one who makes you laugh so much, who when your more depressed then you've ever been, still seems to put a smile on your face, when no one else can.

The one you ride in the car with, have sleepovers with, talk about boys with, talk about girls with, talk about parents with, party with, share stories with, share notes with, share loves with, get your nails done with, get your hair cut with, go to prom with, do drugs with, get drunk off your ass with, take pictures with.

The one who holds your hair when your puking, puts you to bed, cries when you cry, loves your parents just as much as theirs, get your bellybottons peirced with, vacation with, go to movies with, do your homework with, clean with, celebrate your birthdays with, plan your weekends with, play sports with.

The ones who dont knock before coming in, who have a spare key, who drive your car for you, who pumps your gas when your too lazy, who you go shopping with, get your first tattoo's with, play secret santa with, buy presents for, decorate their lockers on their birthdays.

The one you cant wait to spend every hour on the hour with in the summer, make future living plans with, the one you say I love you too, and really mean it as if you were talking to your mother or father.

All best friends come with a friendship code of ethics...

*A true best friend(s) knows whats needed without having to be told or asked. She knows when your having a bad day, and she wont even have to question you before giving you the support you need, she'll automatically be there.*

*A true best friend(s) confides in you, and theres no question of this. and theres no question in her mind that she will say anything to anyone. Trust is key in a friendship, and although it can be broken, trust is the #1 thing that brings an accquaintence to a good friend, and eventually a best friend.*

*A true best friend(s) knows when theres an issue, and knows how to handle it. This is the number 1 thing in my friendships. Why go to others about your problems between you and her, when you can go to her. Thats what makes a best friend, a true best friend. Being direct strengthens your bond, and definatly shows how much she cares.*

*Sometimes, a true best friend(s) knows how to put her own issues away, to listen to yours. And although this is sometimes the hardest thing for someone to do, she wants to hear what she should do, not what you would do. A best friend, knows how to keep her business seperate from her best friends.*

*A true best friend(s) often will feel extremly happy when you are, because she really feels your emotion as well. Best friends always share with eachother, what they'd want from the others. So they put the jealousy behind them, and share your victories with you, because in most cases, they helped you get there.*

*A TRUE best friend(s) knows where the limits are when it comes to guys. One would NEVER mess with her best friends crush, thats almost #1 rule in the book of friendship. One cheap thrill with one pathetic guy, will never replace a life of sisterhood.*

*Inside jokes make the bonds between friends stronger than ever. Making precious memories that will last forever between you two, is what keeps your friendship going. It keeps you living everyday. The laughing and the crying you share together, will be the moments that live on in your hearts forever. Its something that only YOU AND HER will have. and NO ONE can take away.*

*Best friends are the ones who dream with you. They spend hours just concepting the meaning of life. And although you may never really grasp the meaning behind it, you will have such a good idea of it, because you and your best friend(s) will continue to spark ideas and concepts with eachother, that will eventually grow into an idea and concept of your own.*


Most of these friends have come and gone, but they will always continue to leave footprints in my heart.

Im not in high school to find my husband, im in highschool to find my bridesmaids....
***and my godmothers!!! ;)***
...and Ive got a couple picked out!! ;)

I love you girls!

*I love you Brittney*

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