Nov 19, 2004 10:30
i kant believe that after everything that adam ray told me that he turns around and does this to me!! i HATE it!! he frickin went off with 2 other girls.. and josh...(gabby's ex) and i didnt no where he went. and when he picked me up last nite... everything was kool. i was S0o0o0o happy to c him. and he acted as if he was happy 2 c me. then when we got there we were ok... but he was starting to ignore me b/c he nose i dont like it when he smokes and he had ben smoking. THEN we got in. and sat down. then these 2 chix come up and sit by adam and start flirting with him. and i am sitting right next to him. he totally ignores me. then when it starts we go to the stage to watch. and he REFUSED to come with me....he wanted to "hang with josh" who he sees EVERYDAY! and this is the first time hes seen me in over a month. then he disappears. WITH josh and the 2 chix. when we finally leave. i woodnt talk to him. and he got really mad at me. when i had my head on his shoulder, he just rolls his eyes.... so i sed.... "whatever" and he got mad. when we got bak to the church, we didnt have a ride home. so00o i gota fone. kalled his momma and got her to kome pik me up. and she brought adam home too.... unfortunately. so we were chillin on opposite sides of the kar. and well he jus keeps lookin at me. so i layed down. and my head was in his lap. and he sed he had to ask me sumtin and i sed ok. then he asked me y i was being a bitch. and i told him that i was b/c he wasnt trying to bring his grades up. even no he nose that if he fails again that i kant talk to him n e more. and then he said he was trying. and i told him that he wasnt b.c. if he was, he still woodnt have all f's. and i told him that he was tickin me off even more b.c. he went off with those 2 chix and ditched me. and he sed that he wasnt. and i sed he was lying b.c. he did. and even amber noticed it.(thats a chik at my church) abd that sez something b.c she usually keeps her mouth shut about that kind of stuff. and then he sed that he jus wanted to hang out with josh. and i told him that he shoodnt have b.c. he wasted an entire night with me. and he sees josh everyday. and he hasnt seen me n over a month. and he got really mad. then he tried to get me to look at him. and i told him that i woodnt b.c i am so mad at him. and then he jus sed that he was sry and that he loved me. and i WOODNT tell him that i loved him bak. b.c. i am soo mad at him. and i told him that i wasnt gonna forgive him for that b.c. it really hurt and it was really mean. and he sed w.e.
so he told me to kall him half an hour after he dropped me off. so i did. and he answered his fone and sed "what!" and i was like WTF!! U r the one who told ME to kall U! and he was like shyt! i was j.j. and i told him that this was not a good time to b joking with me b.c. i am REALLY ticked. and hes like w.e. then he sed we need to "take a break" b.c. we have too many problems.... and i sed woah. ur tellin me about problems?! hell ur the one startin em all. and he got really mad at me. and then when we were jus sitting there he sed the main reason that we need to "take a break" is b.c. he aint ready for a long term relationship. and i was like WTF!!! werent u the one who was making sure that i was ready for a long term relationship, and now UR the one tellin me that ur the one not ready for one!! thats fucked up. b.c. for all u no... i mite not want u bak by the time u r "ready" and then i told him that the only reason i think that he wants a "break" is so he kan go mess around with that brooke chik. and by then he was REALLY pissed. and then i sed wait. u no what? i hope u enjoy ur lil "break" and i hung up.
then i kalled Trey (cammies ex) and i was talkin to him for a few min. then when we got off the fone. i kalled gabby. she was pissed beyond all reason. well.... my hands hurt now... ttyl peace out. laters