Someday I'll be more decisive, but that day isn't today

Feb 01, 2012 17:38

I'm doing BBB this year as well as the random bandom challenge. For the latter challenge I'm doing Spencer/Z and I had one idea but then I thought of an au idea for it and I am kind of writing both, but I've been having such trouble deciding which to go with!

As for BBB I know what I'm writing in way that I am 75% sure that this is what I am writing. The thing is that I have at least five ideas that could be good for BBB and am kind of floating around.

But I think I'm writing Empires

Bonus quick irl news:

We successfully moved into a new much smaller place but it's nice. Unfortunately our car died right after moving so that left me unable to get to college so I've kind of unofficially dropped out for the semester and won't go back until May now. Plus actually we just got a car yesterday but still it's too late for me to go to school now so. :/

Other than that I was supposed to be seeing Empires and THS in Chicago this weekend but due to some medical problems with a friend + moving that fell through. But with any luck I'll be seeing fun. in April!

challenges, bbb, concerts, real life stuff, writing

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