I've been exercising recently; just walking because it is winter and Michigan is bombarded with snowstorms like crazy D: but I'm walking around the neighborhood and trying to eat better so that's a start.
Also my Young Veins tickets came in the mail! \o/ I still need to figure out exactly who is going to go with me.
I've reached the halfway point in my BBB and am actually just over the halfway mark now.
Anyway, have a meme that I stole from
luridworld Bandom
01. The first character I fell in love with: Ah...I think it was Brendon? He's just so gosh darn adorable.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Tom Conrad or possibly Dallon, both are so endearing.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Do people love Greenwald? Either way it's him. Douchewald ):<
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: My otp basically ): more people need to write Ryan/Jon
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: William Beckett I guess
06. The character I would shag anytime: The real question is; who can't guess what I'm about to say? Jon Walker.
07. The character I'd want to be like: Um...hmm, Spencer seems most normal so lets go with Spencer Smith. :D
08. The character I'd slap: Ryaaaaan; only sometimes though so \o/
09. A pairing that I love: Jon/Ryan like its a surprise...
10. A pairing that I hate: Ryan/Brendon; not into it bbies.
11. Favorite character: Jon Walker &hearts
12. My five favorite characters: Jon, Ryan, Brendon, Spencer, Tom
13. My five least favorite characters: Alex Greenwald, Z, Keltie, Irl girlfriends (it squicks me kay D:), idk the other hipsters? lol
14. Which character I am most like: Um? I have no idea, really.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: Oh geeze, one time for a friend I wrote her Jon Walker/Clay Aiken and then weeped at the pairing I had created. I am a good friend!
01. The first character I fell in love with: Kurt, right off the bat.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sue; she's such a bitch but she has the best lines and a heart deep down on the inside.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Quinn! No, I don't care that she's preggers she is a bitch! Omg no, wait! Teri! Do people like her? They shouldn't omg they shouldn't.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Um...I don't think there's one? No one hates Kurt come on.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Puck I don't hate him though he just needs to stop being a douche.
06. The character I would shag anytime: Finn I guess oh, or Artie. He makes it a point to mention that he has full use of his penis :D
07. The character I'd want to be like: Kurt because he is fabulous and often feels like Lady Gaga.
08. The character I'd slap: Teri, so hard ):<
09. A pairing that I love: Will/Emma cutest &hearts or hmmm...Finn/Kurt if only for Kurt's sake. The poor bb honestly loves Finn.
10. A pairing that I hate: Kurt/Puck or ew Will/Rachel
11. Favorite character: Kurt Hummel!
12. My five favorite characters: Kurt, Sue, Emma, Will, all of them lol
14. Which character I am most like: oh geeze, idk.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: Don't have one :D