dreaming takes too long to turn around

Jan 31, 2008 22:43

The robot is impounded and so much better than I (or any of us) thought it would be. In a test run, it scored 2 goals, got one ball on the porch, had possession of two others, AND timed out at 4 minutes and 55 seconds. Our team name is Layercake and our robot is named Hillary Clinton. We're planning on writing Hillary to tell her we named our robot after her, and see if she says some bullshit about inspiring the first all-girl team from MIT in one of the hardest undergraduate robotics competitions. Sometimes I love the bullshit my school's name lets me get away with.

Jake has mice. They are small and white and adorable, and just peed and shit on him. He seems pretty cool with it though. People are weird with animals. Actually, people are weird in general. Especially when you try to interact with them.

I wish I remembered more of my dreams. They are kind of awesome. I don't think everyone appreciates them though.

The other day someone told me that everyone feels like they get along with me, but that I try to be what people want me to be, and everyone wants me to "be myself" so they can get to know the "real me." It struck me as absurd, because I don't think anyone I'm close to thinks that at all. And who said I wanted to be friends with everyone? Not me. But that doesn't mean I don't try to be reasonably amiable to everyone when I am capable. The elusive "everyone" word sticks with me though. Especially since recently I feel like I've had trouble talking to certain groups of people, and either haven't had anything to say to them, or haven't known how to express what I want to say.

I was in lab for pretty much 24 hours straight finishing the robot. It's weird how days sort of blend together and disappear when you don't punctuate them with sleep. Come see the competition this Saturday in 26-100 @ 3:30pm

killing sleep, robots, indecision, les hommes et les femmes, les amis

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