I stumbled upon this interesting wiki...
http://www.fluwikie.com/ i know that since most of us are busy, we haven't been up-to-date on the bird flu issue. (well, i haven't been updated, and i didn't take it seriously before)
While the WTO is majorly panicking, even speculating that the avian flu may mutate into a virus which would be passed on from human to human, it's something that shouldn't be taken lightly either.
I used to make fun of the WTO regarding their bird-flu panic, but after reading the wiki above, i'm starting to see their point...
after all, we live in such a highly globalized world, and there are millions of migratory birds after all...
but i'm not saying that we start stockpiling like mad, rabid conspiracy theorists, screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIE!" *ROTFL*. Pass the pound of salt, please! XDD It's good to be prepared though, in case a pandemic strikes.
So kiddos, it's time for us to start with baby steps and start putting away goodies a little at a time. It's tempting to panic (as i am wont to do XDD), but there's no excuse for being prepared.
After all, we should always be prepared for any situation. And even if a lot of Filipinos are used to natural disasters like typhoons, the avian flu is a potentially scary situation. Even if it the avian flu pandemic doesn't occur, being prepared doesn't hurt either. :) (besides, the more globalized our world is becoming, the higher the chances more weird viruses start sprouting up out of nowhere. Look at SARS.)
Have fun exploring the wiki! It's very informative, and a little addicting actually. The info is bite-sized so it's easy to absorb. I used to make fun of avian flu before, but now, i'm eating my words. :)
If you guys need a bulk shopping partner or want to take up target practice, contact me anytime. I'm serious, folks. =D
The most important lesson i've learned by browsing the Fluwikie is the value of money. Oftentimes, i'd use it for beauty goods and services, or food trips, movies, and clothes and shoes (guilty as charged!) In the event of a pandemic, it is a sobering thought that the above items (except functional clothes and shoes), would be worthless.
Take care, everyone! See you in Mercury Drug or Watson's! XDDD