Part of the comment i wrote for the interesting entry of
artofvalidation :
I think that the issue that makes us more infuriated than the whole "it's-a-shame-to-be-Filipino-coz-of-what-Bayo-did" hoopla or the underlying prejudices against "the big bad corporations" in favor of our artist-friends is that we expect much more from established and well-known [clothing] companies, especially with brands that we have come to trust.
With regard to Bayo, loyal buyers are paying lots of money not just because of its juicy-colored tops and cute prints, but also for the brand name. After all, anyone can buy a vibrant, lime-colored polo blouse at a department store (or even at Divisoria, if you're lucky) at a lower price. However, Bayo as a brand name has become synonymous with beautiful, colorful and youthful, trend-setting clothes.
Whenever we buy clothes, we identify ourselves with the image that a particular clothing brand projects to the public, whether we are conscious of this decision or not (but this is just my opinion, btw). And if consumers like me who have grown to respect the company called Bayo and grown to love the clothes that Bayo offers, come across this blatant rip-off by Bayo, it tantamounts to deception, by an entity that we have come to trust.
When people from around the world heard of the news that Nike employs child labor, many loyal Nike consumers swore off the brand, and Nike's sales plummeted big time. The Bayo issue is a bit similar, albeit in a (way) lesser degree.
Check out the entry of
artofvalidation--> his insights on the (not-so-exclusive) Pinoy art of collective self-deprecation. *snigger*