Jan 02, 2006 18:31
I'll start off wishing everyone a happy New Year!
I know i didn't finish my 12 days of Christmas song and that you were all very disappointed.... sry but i was unable to
And now to the matter at hand - TODAY, THE 1ST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL -
yes, it was a sad day for most of us, accept those few who count down the days until Christmas break is over. Or, no offense, but say i'm ready for school to start because I want to see my friends~ That kills me. I understand that you want to see your friends, but to want school to start up again for another 180 days just to see your friends~ I think maybe in elementary school thats ok, the work is not that hard. But in high school when you can drive of have friends that drive, not that work in High School is all that hard but you know~
On the other hand, I count down the days until Christmas break or what ever break is nigh, and then the second it is the break all the counting stops in an effort to preserve the holiday and forget that there was ever such an evil thing as school. Until, of course, some adult (or the kind of peer that I was speaking of above) says, " Oh, you guys only have 1 more week of Summer Break left." As if we all didn't know, but we were trying to forget,! don't they get it? It's like the second you become an adult you forget how things work, they forget that you don't tell us kids how much longer until school starts!!! Granted, not all adults are that clueless, my mom knows better b/c she has the same attitude, she doesn't want school to start again either. She likes me at home, but after this year she wont have to worry about school starting ever again i'll be off to college.
Ok this was what i planned on writing today but I felt I had a passionate subject that had to be explained to the public (all 4 of my friends that read this loti hts off to you 4)so today Adam Payne, some of you know him, he gave me my Christmas gift. The limitations were that it was a not a serious gift, under 20, and just what ever you wanted to get. So, he tells me at lunch that it's edible~ hmmm chocolate??? i said, "this could be good or bad". After 6th he tells me to open my bag and he then proceeds to drop into it 8 or so candy bars, and then a pin that says something about Canada and Chocolate! HE then informs me it is chocolate from imported from Canada~ you have to understand the joke here, it started long ago, but basically he and i told a bunch of ppl that I'm from Canada~ but you probably don't think thats really funny just kinda weird so ok
well i'll be surprised if any read this far ~ so if you did give me a high five and tell me that the grass is always greener on the other side of the rainbow~ don't forget ok
PS i get tired of always having the same sun face thingy, so i picked a random one and wrote my own thing~