Nov 19, 2005 02:32
so, i just got home from states*
we lost our semi-final game, which means our season is over.. im really going to miss it. we lost 7-2, yeah, i know that sounds like we got crushed but we played our hearts out with a few mistakes and the other team was just too good, i swear they are the best team i have seen play. honesltly, they should win states. Other then the loss, the weekend has been amazing. We left thursday morning &missed two days of school, we got to Binghamten, practiced, then went to our hotel and chilled a little before our banquet. The food was mad good and we all went onstage and performed a skit for the other teams. It was AMAZING. Then we got up friday, went for a run around the city which was actually really neat, then came back for breakfast and left for the mall to waste time. I bought a pair of athletic pants from hollister and a pair of jeans from A&F. We went to wegmans for lunch and got whatever we wanted, cause we didnt have to pay since we got so much money from sponsers and such before the trip. Then obviously it was gametime. I've actually played on the field we played on before.. and its a really nice facility. we lost. and i cryed for a while.. everyone was trying to cheer me up, it was really nice of them. thats why i love my team. haha i thought that we lost all cause of me and because i didnt wear my new shoes, so i attempted to throw out the shoes i was wearing while tears were running down my face. When i look back on it, i find it so funny. We went to applebees after the game and i had strawberry dacarries with a few other people, SO GOOD! Then i got Nachoes with barns and Chicken oriental salad. We all slept on the way home while watching Harry Potter.. and now i am home. Im off to bed so please comment <3
*ashley marie