Tomorrow is Friday an' with m' ankle bein' stupid I'm gonna be stuck inside with no plans! I wanted t' go dancin' an' show off m' snazzy new
red dress but I shouldn' if m' ankle still hurts! When I was tryin' it on the guy in the store said I looked like that chick from those Pirate movies, but I ain' ever seen 'em so I just smiled. Weirdo!
Kenchan an' I got a Wii! An' games! I made Kenchan get Marvel Ultimate Alliance 'cause four people can play at once an' I like beatin' things as Wolverine! An' Kenchan got a racin' game, an' I got Soul Calibur Legends but it's hard! I like Ivy though, her whip-thingit is awesome! We gotta get more' the new place is awesome! I just hope I r'member which room is mine an' stuff!
Who wants t' help me decorate m' new room? We're gonna wait f'r Shizuru t' come back b'fore we get the dogs, I think it'll make stuff easier. I'll need names f'r m' black lab an' our shelter dog, but what shelter t' go t'...
I'm thinkin' 'bout quittin' dancin' at Strick-9 t' get a job waitressin' f'r Tifa-tiffles, but I love dancin' an' bein' able t' get paid t' go an' d' it is real nice. Besides, I hate goin' dancin' all alone an' at least workin' there I got a good 'xcuse. I'll have t' think on it.
Oh, Icchy an Ishi, I'm up f'r dinner whenever Ishi finishes readin' 'is borin' school books, so just lemme know! I've been pretty bored without a certain stranger 'round t' bug, so yeah...