ssooooo cute!!!!!!

Sep 16, 2005 18:38

Sorry for copying you Veronica and you copied Eraina soo sorry for copying both of you. i also think it`s sooo cute!! I wish a guy would do some thing like that for me!!

Girl:Do i ever cross your mind?
Boy :No.
Girl:Do you like me?
Boy :No.
Girl: do you want me?
Boy :No.
Girl:If i left would you cry?
Boy :No.
Girl:would you live for me?
Boy :No.
Girl:Would you do anything for me?
Boy :No way!
Girl:Which would you choose, your life or me?
Boy :My life.
Hearing this the girl runs away and the guy runs after her.He takes her hands, looks straight in her eyes and says: You don`t cross my mind because your always on my mind.I don`t like you because i love you.I don`t want you because I need you.If you left i wouldn`t cry because i`m not willing to say good-bye.I don`t want to live for you because i`d die for you.I don`t want to do anything for you because i`ll do everything for you.I would pick my life because you are my life.
I love you...
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