How fucking awesome am I?

Jun 04, 2004 02:31

This how awesome I am.

So when I was at work today I got a call from a lady and she was very mad at me and so I seriously went to the back of the store so when she picked up her fuckin pizza she wouldn't yell at me. Then I went on break where I saw that Sara something from my elementary school is a chainsmoker and then Sean met me outside. We talked to Tyler Gonlag and then I was off of work.

Sean and I were bored and since we had no finals tomorrow, *today*, we decided to go out. Just like. Out.

I'm like hey lets go to the fuckin mall because thats where we always end up.

Then I'm like its late; lets see a movie.

Then I'm like hey lets see the midnight showing of Harry Potter.

For those of you who are not aware, I do not enjoy Harry Potter. I do not like the fandom. I thought the books were bad. But I wanted to be SCENE so I decided it was an important thing to do.

It wasn't even sold out. We just fucking got tickets, Sean bought a bright eyes cd, and then we went inside.

First, we played a video game involving ninjas with guns. HOW DID THEY GET GUNS? HOW?!

Then we took our spot in line for the movie. So. Many. Virgins.

We were two hours early and we made friends with an jolly nerd couple who were only seeing the movie this late because their baby was due in .. um three days.

Then we drew X's on our hands and I texted fahrenheit451 and asked him if straight edge kids did asprin because I wanted to be straight edge and not break the rules. Apparently, they do.

Then they passed out legos. Fuck yeah. I was the first one to build my "Knight Bus". It rocked fucking face. OH but while they were passing them out, of course Sean and I had to ask if they were drugs. And then he said "But they're passing them out to children-" and the guy next to us said, "Why should kids be denied drugs?" I LAUGHED A LOT.

Then we went in to the theater and sat by the coolest gay guy ever. Everyone there was so nice.

The movie was GOOD! I was so surprised! I liked it! I liked it!

But can you just picture it? Like. These kids line up for ever just to see this. I denied two fans that could've seen it, their tickets. I was not a fan at all. Sean and I tried our best to not fit in. It was so random. Shit. Shit we're awesome.

Fuck I'm tired and I have ginormous paper cuts on the webbings of my hand.

I have my California art scholars award thing in like 9 hours haha I suck.
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