updated 8/31/08

Jul 28, 2020 03:47

[sorry whoever made this sign i forgot where i got it so it's yours comment and i'll give you credit.]

Moslty Friends Only.

Feel free to add me, I have nothing to hide. I would delete this journal since no one reads it I write in it sometimes but I won't delete it since I've had it since 8th grade. I don't even know if I'll do the friend's only thing anymore it's kind of lame. You probably won't want to add me unless you know me, kind of know me, or want to get to know me. I'm an 20 year old girl from NJ and attending college in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. If you're totally against drugs, are a strong republican, or very religious, this probably isn't the right journal for you. Umm comment here if you add me, thanks.


P.S. updated userinfo finally.
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