Jul 31, 2004 20:57
ahh okay what ive been up 2. umm like wensday i went wit sammi kel and tony maccaroni to get her a sugarglider.then we partied. and then more the next day. then yesterday sammi and i hung out with jack-a-lack, and met sum fun people, and smoked alot.then we went to my house in sunrise to smoke in peace. then after that we chilled and ate food.Then we herd anotnio lost the sugarglider and it was "very upsetting" then i did sumthing stupid.After that we woke up sat outside by the pool and doodeled around and then everyone got thrown in the pool but rob (lucky bastard). then we hung out and got food from mickey d's and came bak 2 sammis' and we r guna go hang out with jack-a-lack soon if he hurried his high ass up.