ahhh, today was a good day! I went on a trip to NYC to see the met and Frick gallery! The Frick was super gorgeous, they had alot of French Rococo-looking art which reminded me of lolita ^^ They also had a table that belonged to Marie Antoinette! :O I love times square btw, its sooo pretty *o*
I made a new icon because I was bored and procrastinating ^^;;; I think it came out pretty well..
I'm so excited for winter break and Christmas! This year is going to be awwwesome! I'm going to Disney World and I am soooo excited >.<
on another note, I have been really annoyed with the negative attention Japanese fashions have been getting in the media recently-like the incorrect portrayels on MTV's Super Sweet Sixteen etc..it really makes me upset. like, its bad enough that so few people understand the fashion, why does it have to be further misunderstood?? D:<
I really want people to be educated correctly, not given a wrong impression. it sucks..Dx
it's kinda random, but then again so is this entire post..here is a picture of Sky (my doll ^^)
She says hi >o<
ah well...I guess that's all for now~
have a good day and talk to you soon!