sappy entry

Jan 30, 2005 16:14

I've been thinking a lot about the past lately. Jess O'Donnell IMd me for the first time in a few years and talked to me about Cassy Mosely gradiating from Lemoyne soon and having another baby, Jacque Vecchio just having one, and Jacque's little sister who will be having hers soon too. Babies? It's unbelievable. We're all growing up so fast and some of us will be graduating in May. GRADUATING from college!! That's insane! I feel as if I just got done with high school, although I know how much has happened since then. All of the sudden everyone is getting engaged and finding jobs and becoming grown ups. I don't wanna grow up just yet. I wanna sit at home and watch TV or have a snowball fight or at least just have one more incredible summer where I have no cares and can stay out till all hours of the night with my little brother and our friends playing Bloody Mary. I miss that summer and I miss having him as a little brother. Now he's in college with his new friends and I hardly get to see him. That's strange to me. It was one thing when I went off to school but a completely different thing that he's done so now too. He used to be my best friend. It's so strange how life keeps moving and we don't seem to know it's happening. I was thinking this morning about Allen Guethner and Scott Greenwood. It's been so long since I've talked to the two of them and they used to be such big parts of my life. When did that stop? I don't even know where Scott lives anymore. I was looking through some old notes I have and came across some ones that really made me smile. I miss high school when one note could break your heart, make weekend plans, be filled with I heart so-and-sos, profess the writer's love or just simply make you smile. One note. Now life is filled with uncertanties about where we'll get a job, how we'll support ourselves let alone a potential family, how we'll pay off our college loans or what part of the state we'll be living in. Our decisions just got bigger. School no longer tells us what to do or where to go, we have that power and it scares me to death. Just this morning I mailed my fingerprints off so I can be cleared for teacher certification. This is crazy. We are all standing at the threshold of our new lives and it's strange to think we are no longer standing here together- we're scattered across the country, standing alone waiting to walk across. Where did the time go? It was yesterday that I saw your faces wasn't it? Wasn't it?...
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