Blood Lockdown

Aug 30, 2011 17:51

So much that happened in 4.10-Burning Down The House which means so much to talk about. This episode broke my heart with its realizations. So lets get down to the nitty-gritty.

The Tolerance Festival has resulted in absolute chaos with everyone in a complete frenzy. Sookie trying to get to Bill, Eric trying to get to Bill, the sheriffs trying to get to Bill and lastly Nan trying to get to those damn cameras. All thanks to Marntonia. In times of chaos people panic, witches however, hold hands.

Sookie hurriedly makes her way to Bill, who is under attack by the Viking at this point. What better to do than turn this altercation into a human-on-vampire pile-up?

Nan surely knows how to access a dire situation. She kills one of the sheriffs with a pencil. However she seems to be completely appalled that that the news junkets are recording all of this. Pesky paparazzi.

Sookie is still trying to make Eric stand down from Bill, but to no avail. He tells Sookie to beat it and she gets pissed... which ignites her Lite-Brite hands. She blasts Eric with them and we see that it seems to have a different affect. A very different affect... because the Viking regains his memories. ALL of them.

We feel it too Nan. All this time the spell could've been broken by Sookie using her microwave

Marntonia witnesses this spectacle and decides that its time to retreat. But it looks like she and her spirit seem to be glitching. Maybe Geek Squad should come up with a supernatural division, then alot of problems would be solved.

I pity whoever did the PR for the Tolerance Festival because they're never getting work again. This place genuinely looks like where fuckery came to die. No wait, The Compton house still holds that title position. Maybe next year Tolerance Festival.

Lets take a moment to welcome back BAMF Northman

As the Taylor Swift playlist comes to an end, Jason and Jessica face reality. Jason says that he feels guilty about what just happened between them but Jessica counters and says that they did nothing wrong. Jason disagrees and blames it on the blood. And of course Jessica catches a bitch fit.

Jessica calls bullshit and tells Jason that he wanted it just as much as her. Jason admits so and that he still does, but no good is gonna come of this. Jessica seems to be really fed up with this conversation(and humans) in general and speeds off to find something to eat.

Miss Jess really seems to be in 'top dollar' form, huh? How dare Jason blame this on the blood?! Honestly, the blood she fed Jason did serve as a kick-start in the attraction, you can't deny it(See Sookie). But even if this fiasco with Jason didn't happen, she would've still broken it off with Hoyt, in whatever which way. Jessica basically needs what Sookie needs time to figure herself out. But sadly, since she has such an assclown of a mediocre maker, Jessica is stalking around with no guidance, basically a loaded gun. But she needs to be made aware that being a vampire doesn't make her invincible and that she, just like humans, is not immune of consequences. Jess is basically shedding her baby-vamp persona to a raw and ruthless one. Most are cheering but neglecting the fact that this is an omen, a red flag if you will.

As I said, a majority of the fans are loving Jess right now. But this is NOT the right path for her. To me, Jessica is falling into that box that fans once(and still do) put Bill in; the 'Can Do No Wrong' box. But this is irrelevant because they are just as plausible for their wrong-doings. Another reason is that I just feel that a majority sympathize for the vampires more and just lean to their side(though this doesn't happen alot with Eric LOL but I recognize his faults just as much as others). Therefor, the humans can NEVER catch a break from scrutiny. The humans are ALWAYS Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers. Sookie is irritating, Tara is ungrateful, Jason is stupid and Hoyt is a jerk. But Bill was in love, Jessica was in love and Franklin was in love. You catch my drift.

Moving on from the fan/character analysis, Tommy is NOT in good shape at all. It seems that he's skinwalked one time too many. Add that to just being beaten and its not a great overall scenario. Alcide asks Tommy where does he want to go and Tommy tells him to take him home. Which is Merlotte's. Get the tissues ready, I can already feel it coming.

Alcide brings Tommy to Sam and Sam immediately offers to get him vampire blood. Tommy declines and Alcide tells Sam that the boy has the right to choose his time. They lay Tommy on the pool table and Sam asks what happened. Alcide informs him of what went on at Marcus' auto-shop. Sam tells Tommy that he'll be okay because he has a much better waiting for him when all this is over.

I bury my my face in tissues.

Sam feels the pain of Tommy's words and it hits him that this is the only family he has and it's about to die in his bar. It's one of those rare moments when Sam's true vulnerability peeks through and you realize how much you really do care about this character. Sam tells Tommy that he is loved and always was. And then, Tommy takes his last breath.

Though I had thought that Tommy's exit needed to hurry along due to the stagnant bore that was his and Sam's storyline this season, this really ripped me apart. The death really touched my soul. I don't know if I wanna say that it was a fitting ending, but I was moved.

Sam takes one look at Alcide and tells him that Marcus is a dead wolf.

You know what that means...

Someone's getting shot. Don't say I didn't warn you Marcus. Where are you anyway?

Here we go.

Back at the MoonGoddess Emporium Tara and Holly are trying to come up with a plan to escape. Well at least Holly is, Tara is in that mood where she's lost all hope whatsoever. It'll pass when she sees that Holly has a suitable plan.

Marnie and Roy return and inform the others of what happened at the Tolerance Festival. Again Roy is way too happy with the events at hand. But is seems Marntonia is spirit glitching again and the others are starting to notice that she's odder than usual. If that's even possible, with what's been going on recently.

Marntonia heads to the back and it seems that she can't hold Antonia down any longer.

Antonia says that she can't go on with this any longer and Marnie says that their goal is nearly accomplished. That's right folks, turns the show of Marntonia was being run by Marnie this whole time. Antonia says that the goal is far from being reached. This is much different than her time where it was easier to conquer but now the world is crawling with vampires in the open. She says that all the fear and bloodshed at the Tolerance Festival was horrible and that she and Marnie are no better than their enemies. Antonia also points out that Marnie seems to have a major dislike for humans as well. Marnie counters and says that its not all humans and that Antonia has been gone a very long time. People are cruel and will step all over you no matter what. Marnie also adds that these are the same people that stood by and watched her burn at the stake and did nothing. Antonia says that they couldn't and Marnie quickly retorted that they chose not to.

And with that act of manipulation, Marnie convinces Antonia to keep going with the plan.

And at the Compton residence, Bill and Nan bitch at each other incessantly.

We also finally get to see Eric and Sookie alone after the whole ordeal. Eric tells Sookie that he remembers everything and Sookie's looking at him like he's a leper. Eric says that the soft side is still there. He asks Sookie if she can still see it in his eyes and she says he can. Eric then tells Sookie that he loves her.

Sookie then tells Eric that she can't be with him because she still loves Bill. She starts going on some more about having their blood and whatnot but I'm not really paying attention due to my surge of emotions.

A good lot of us knew this was coming due to Sookie's dream in the previous episode but its still hard to watch. You know its coming but your blood still boils. I have to say that Sookie does need time to herself with NO vampire blood. But will she ever have that time? Its been long overdue now. Also remember that these Bill feelings didn't really arise until his blood was in her system again, so that is saying alot. But it seems as though Sookie really hasn't had time to process her relationship with Bill in it's entirety and it is ALOT to process. Sookie needs time to open her eyes. Whether she loves Bill or not, he shouldn't really even be an option at this point. But its being alluded to that he is, at least it looks that way to me. Speaking for her emotional well-being right now, Sookie needs to choose neither Eric or Bill but herself. But in the overall capacity, you know who I'm rotting for.

My heart sank for Eric when he told Sookie that he loved her and she shut him down with the Bill Bomb. I wanted to hug him. But however, another good trait about Eric is that he'll respect Sookie's decision and back off if need be. Even so, that's alot to hear so quickly and in a vulnerable state. Eric tells Sookie that she gave herself to him completely and that she is is his. Sookie retorts that they've never really established that. Ouch.

And just like that, it's all over when Pam-I-Am walks in...well sort of. She asks Eric why he didn't summon her and immediately picks up on the lovelorn tension in the room. And we instantly see her annoyance of Sookie surface once again. Not wholly because she is coming between Pam-I-Am and her maker, but because of Eric's possible broken heart. Even so, their reunion was lovely.

Queen Bill's ultimate plan to defeat Marntonia? Blow up the MoonGoddess Emporium. I'm dead-ass serious.

Pam-I-Am definitely agrees that this has to be a whole new grandeur of fuckery.

Sookie hears the plan and tells Bill that he can't go through with this on account of innocent people being killed, including Tara. Sadly Her Highness is being too much of a douchecanoe to give a shit. I guess since he's already saved Tara's life once this week, he should get a pass from having to do it again so soon.

Our thoughts exactly Eric.

Bill tells Sookie to just stay out of it and she leaves. Hopefully to go home and take off that damn hoodie.

Dawn approaches, what to do?

Nan's giving away the TRUE DEATH like she's Oprah.

Eric drops the ball that Nan's days are numbered.

Pam-I-Am is is no mood for Nan's shit.

And Jessica expresses her motivation.

Just another night at the Compton house.

The next morning, Jason is visited by Hoyt, who's stopped by to unburden some more of his pain. Maybe sooner or later Hoyt will pick up on the fact that Jason is acting like he really doesn't want him around. Pick up the pieces and put them together Hoyt.

Jason goes over to Sookie's to tell her about Hoyt. Sookie tells Jason that love doesn't go away immediately if it runs deep. And Jason retorts with all the annoying this Hoyt did while over his house.

And all you did was have sex with the woman he loved. Poor Jason.

Jason asks Sookie if he can stay over and Sookie tells him that he needs his help. She tells him that Bill is planning to blow up the MoonGoddess Emporium. Jason asks why and Sookie replies its because of what happened at the Tolerance Festival. Jason asks what happened at the Tolerance Festival. Jason, aren't you a cop? Seriously when these people are not working, they're REALLY not working.

Addict Andy has been caught by Terry and Arlene, who found a vial of V in the house. Arlene is pissed and tells Andy that he's not coming around her kids until he gets himself together. Terry takes Andy to their old fort to give him a good old fashioned intervention. Where we learn that Addict Andy may have been to old for booties but was never too old for socks. I have to say, Terry really stole this episode with his awesomeness. And it was nice to see a Bellefleur family moment that didn't involve incest. It was all very heartfelt. The two cousins fought, cried and hugged.

Jason and Sookie head over to see Laffy and Jesus and tell them what's going on with the vampires and the witches. Laffy is more than ready to fend for his cousin and the group decides to try and infiltrate the MoonGoddess Emporium.

Jesus decides to go in and try to expel the spirit from Marnie's body. Unfortunately, he comes in contact with a security system that would put Brinks to SHAME. Marntonia comes out and Jesus says that he wants to join her cause. But he has to get through the wall first. And he does.

Once inside with Marntonia, Jesus learns that Marnie is not being possessed against her will. Marnie herself tells Jesus of the power that she's in control of. She also tells him that they need Laffy and his true medium power. Marnie shows Jesus the two vampire sheriffs she has under her influence and says that she can make them do anything. Even eat chocolate or go to the beach.

Meanwhile Tara and Holly found a spell that will lift the one that's holding them right now. As they chant, Jesus tells Sookie mentally what is really going on. Tara and Holly run out of MoonGoddess and Sookie and Laffy run to them, with Jason a little bit behind. Marntonia catches them trying to escape and make Tara, Sookie, Laffy and Holly disappear. Jason is left alone on the street.

Nightfall comes around and Eric, Pam, Jessica and Bill are on their way to the MoonGoddess Emporium. I spy some sexy game faces.

The group exit the car in sexy slow motion mode. Call them The V-Team or The Fangtastic 4.

And there it is. What will become of this EPIC war? Get ready for the battle next Sunday! Later Lovers!!!

season 4, true blood, hbo

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