Heh. It's amusing to see a piece of foolery one made pop up everywhere. :) The funny thing? I did this poster before the season even started.
I wouldn't worry too much about the spoilers. They are notorious for the ease of misinterpretation. They did the same last year, and what we all thought would go down based on those descriptions turned out to be completely different.
It's no secret that I love Sookie. Irritating qualities and all. And I have enough patience to let her process and admit things to herself. I don't see her as weak. Given what she's been through, it's a downright miracle she isn't in a fetal position under her bed, crying herself to sleep. But I get that, while the show's actual timeline is only 2 months so far, it's been on the air for 3 years and people get impatient.
But I absolutely don't see Bill as being front and center. He gets his storyline, but then, no one expected him to go away this year. And the story he gets is rather dark. They are painting him as smarmier and smarmier with every episode so far. He is fast becoming a secondary villain this season. And I don't even think he is evil. Just so damn tenuous in his convictions, he can't stop the sand shifting under his feet. Sure he'll figure it out at some point, but that doesn't mean he gets to walk away a hero or with the girl.
In the 3 years that show has been on, the consistent trend to anyone who's paying attention is that Bill gets shadier with every episode and Eric gets more and more revealed as the better person. We can argue about the book treatment, but this is the trend I'm watching, and I am loving it so far.
ITA with all your point. After writing this, I did take a step back and looked at everything as a whole. I hate being negative, especially with this series, but I've just been a little on edge with this season.
I do love Sookie as well and like you said it could be worse and it is a matter of being patient. But that 'fangrape' comment she made did not sit well with me at all.
And with Bill its another matter of patience - I just want to take a Sharpie and draw a big ol' question mark on his forehead. But it is fact that he is being shown more as a shady character. But all in all, I just want him to GTFO.
And you made this pic! I got it from the Bill Compton Is Not A Hero' FB wall. But THANK YOU!!! You're my very first comment poster. :)
I figure a lot of frustration comes from the fact that we had to sit through 3 years of Bill and Sookie, and it feels like it's never-ending. But I try to remember that it's only been 2 months for Sookie, so I am cutting her the slack. :)
Believe me, I want Bill away in Peru, possibly looking for a permanent home. lol But I realize that, the way things are on the show, he isn't going anywhere. I made my peace with it. I figure as long as he isn't around Sookie, he can do whatever he wants. :)
I wouldn't worry too much about the spoilers. They are notorious for the ease of misinterpretation. They did the same last year, and what we all thought would go down based on those descriptions turned out to be completely different.
It's no secret that I love Sookie. Irritating qualities and all. And I have enough patience to let her process and admit things to herself. I don't see her as weak. Given what she's been through, it's a downright miracle she isn't in a fetal position under her bed, crying herself to sleep. But I get that, while the show's actual timeline is only 2 months so far, it's been on the air for 3 years and people get impatient.
But I absolutely don't see Bill as being front and center. He gets his storyline, but then, no one expected him to go away this year. And the story he gets is rather dark. They are painting him as smarmier and smarmier with every episode so far. He is fast becoming a secondary villain this season. And I don't even think he is evil. Just so damn tenuous in his convictions, he can't stop the sand shifting under his feet. Sure he'll figure it out at some point, but that doesn't mean he gets to walk away a hero or with the girl.
In the 3 years that show has been on, the consistent trend to anyone who's paying attention is that Bill gets shadier with every episode and Eric gets more and more revealed as the better person. We can argue about the book treatment, but this is the trend I'm watching, and I am loving it so far.
I do love Sookie as well and like you said it could be worse and it is a matter of being patient. But that 'fangrape' comment she made did not sit well with me at all.
And with Bill its another matter of patience - I just want to take a Sharpie and draw a big ol' question mark on his forehead. But it is fact that he is being shown more as a shady character. But all in all, I just want him to GTFO.
And you made this pic! I got it from the Bill Compton Is Not A Hero' FB wall. But THANK YOU!!! You're my very first comment poster. :)
I figure a lot of frustration comes from the fact that we had to sit through 3 years of Bill and Sookie, and it feels like it's never-ending. But I try to remember that it's only been 2 months for Sookie, so I am cutting her the slack. :)
Believe me, I want Bill away in Peru, possibly looking for a permanent home. lol But I realize that, the way things are on the show, he isn't going anywhere. I made my peace with it. I figure as long as he isn't around Sookie, he can do whatever he wants. :)
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