Amnesia Vikings, Asshat Kings and BabyVamps

Jul 02, 2011 15:28

So what does season 4 have in store for us exactly? Tidbits have been floating around and its always fun to try and piece them together. Whatever mindless conclusion you come to. :)

First up - The gorgeous shirtless blonde viking with a fresh bout of amnesia. If you haven't seen the new Eric and Sookie clips, you can watch here:

As you can see Eric is in a very vulnerable state. The way he asked Sookie, "Would you like to be mine?" says it all. The confused shy smile and the way he covers his fangs is too precious. And its funny how Sookie is still treating him like he's the same old Eric. And of course we get the ever so popular "What are you?" question. We know you're sick of it Sookie, all of us are. Fortunately, Pam I Am comes to the rescue and is sure that Queen Bill had set Eric up to go into that coven of witches. Don't worry Pam, we're right behind you. Sookie on the other hand retorts by saying it was because Eric had tasted her.

Wow, that sounds like an excuse someone else would use...

Sounds alot like Sookie is defending Her Highness. She must be lying to herself because she knows Eric wouldn't hurt her. And based on recent events between her and Queen William, it should be evident that Bill's actions are hardly ever justified. She is aware that Bill made an attempt on Eric's life before because he tasted her. But do you really think that that's was this is all about Sookie? Are you still trying to convince yourself that The Queen Of The Damned wouldn't do anything out of spite or jealousy or just plain contempt? Bill is definitely gonna go above and beyond to write out Eric, but its not because he's trying to protect you. Sookie you of all people should be getting sick of that tune

The evidence is all there. Right before the infamous Rattray Reveal of the season 3 finale which resulted in this...

Bill told Sookie that he would bring the true death to all who have tasted her and knew what she was(Sookie didn't object either). Pam and QSA, may she rest in peace, never tasted Sookie yet they had targets on their backs too. How come Bill never told the Queen Sookie's blood didn't last? Would QSA even want Sookie anymore if she knew the blood didn't work? She didn't want Sookie for her telepathy. And it was really stupid for him to lie to Nan about Sookie because practically all of Bon Temps knows about her abilities. Queen William wanting to off everyone never really made a lick of sense.

Sookie, now is not the time to underestimate Bill. He has a motive. It is evident that Eric is indeed in danger. Like I asked before, what was Bill expecting to happen to Eric when he went into that coven? Bill knew those witches were gonna put up a fight and he knew exactly how Eric would handle things. I'm sure we're all aware that Eric is not the guy to say, "Lets talk this out." No, he was going to take action and Queen Bill was very aware of this. What's coming back to bite him in the ass is the fact that he gave the order for Eric to walk into that coven.

Hey Bill...

Next up,it seems like Jason is gonna have a pretty interesting season, thank goodness. Here is the interview he gave with MTV: - Jason might also be involved in a 'surprise romance' this season.

The question on everyone's mind right now is, "Is this mystery girl Jessica?" There were spoilers a while ago that Jessica gives Jason her blood in a later episode this season, which seemed like more than an acquaintance. When has Jason been spending time with Jessica? Well a year has passed in Bon Temps, plenty of things could've happened in that time. I know what you're thinking...

What about Hoysica Hambyberry?!!!!

As much as it pains me to say this folks, I don't see a fortunate future for these two. *Cue creepy doll*

However, Jason and Jessica would be an interesting turn of events(I'd rather see Jessica and Pam as a power couple) but it is really hard to figure what would become of it. Even though Jessica is a haven compared to the scutterbucket that is Crystal Jessica with Jason doesn't really seem any better off than she is with Hoyt right now. Hoyt isn't even a bad guy really. It will be nice to see Jason and Jessica in more scenes with each other to see if they are compatible together. Until then, time to come up with couple names for the two.

There... I attempted to give a shit about Sam today.

That is all for now! Until next time, Later Lovers!

jason, true blood, jessica, hbo, pam, sam, queen bill, trubie, stackhouse, eric, season 4, bill, truebie, sookie

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