(no subject)

Mar 12, 2009 12:48

ahem. and so, today begins my first Spring Break as a REAL! LIVE! COLLEGE STUDENT!

woohooooo!! time to get wild and crazy!! Wile out, as it were.

to celebrate, i will be wearing jeans to work every day. because i am a rebel.

nothing else too terribly exciting going on. there was a car stolen from my school last night. and it must have happened near my car, because the notice said it happened between 6:05 and 7something. and at 7:20 as i was going to my car, one of the campus security dudes was sitting in his golf cart near my car facing across our lane to the empty part of the parking lot and talking on his walkie talkie. so i figured SOMETHING was going down.

the girls and i are going to the beach today at lunch!! well, technically it's a park, but it has a beach, too. so that should be really awesome. :)

my 1 month netflix subscription ends tomorrow. i'm thinking of cancelling it today, and then waiting on them to send me some incentive to come back before i re-join. wonder if that'll work? :P LOVE the netflix. argh.

thought for the day:

when does the Sexy Secretary hairdo cross the line to become School Marm?
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