I just want you here with me

Jan 17, 2006 19:33

Ok, I'll admit it. I have absolutely no idea what is up with everybody and Chuck Norris. But this was on Stephanie's Xanga, and even if I don't understand Chuck Norris Mania, it's still pretty damn funny.

1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. But he is so tough, he has never cried. Ever.

2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

5. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

6. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

7. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers
the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

8. Chuck Norris doesn’t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.

9. Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate an Indian.

10. In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.

11. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.

Ok, so now that I have that out of my system, we took Brian and Andy back to Bradley yesterday. That feels like such a long drive. I think it's worse on the way up than it is on the way back though. Mostly because on the way back I'm drifting in and out of sleep. But I got a Bradley hoodie out of the trip and I found a place where I'll actually eat Indian food, which I normally detest. Oh! And I got Beefhouse! Well, I didn't really get it, but I got to drive by and wave at it. *Sigh* I wants me some Beefhousey-goodness.

Today at school was really boring. In history we got back into groups and worked on essays. Uck, I hate them so terribly much! But I guess it doesn't really matter, since I'm apparently semi-good at them.

Did boring and stupid stuff in French. I made sure Taylor knew she was officially slapped. We did boring excercises out of the book. I don't think Dr. Jeff is ever going to let us finish 8 Women. I have to find a way to see the rest of that movie damnit!

Band was fun. We sightread some stuff, one of which I'm pretty sure I kind of liked. Mr. Murphy called Max at the beginning of class and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. He's 3 years old! Wow!

Blecch times fifty-twelve. I hate geometry! It's so dumb. I'm so over it. Or maybe I just hate Mr. Woodason.

In english we took a comma test. I know how I did. It was fairly simple, but I think I missed a couple. Then we all started playing with our pencils and making them jiggle. That's right, this is what we do in AP.

American Idol starts tonight! I've never really gotten that much into the show or voting or anything, but I love the auditions! But I can only watch the first hour, because Scrubs is on tonight! Oh, how I do love my television.

Emily Jane
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