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May 13, 2006 22:09

Steve Ervink

Friday, May 12, 2006 the beloved guitarist of Dead Like Me was in a terrible car accident with my good friends Joe & Josie and I. Joe's red cavalier collided with a limosine right where Steve's seat upfront on the passenger's side infront of me. We were rushed to the emergency room at St. Joe's. Steve was then transferred to Beaumont Hospital to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for his head trauma. He was Induced into a coma and hooked up to many stabilizing machines. He's breathing for himself and will speak and move in response to stimulation. Joe, Josie, and I made it out with nothing more than a broken knee, strains, cuts and bruises. We are so thankful everyone's atleast alive.He was riding where i always rode, but for some strange reason no one contradicted his decision to ride shotgun. I should have been the one sitting up there. Not him. Steve saved my life. That boy is my gaurdian angel. That night, the rest of DLM and a few other friends came to visit him and help us support him in this time of need. Please put him in your prayers and wish him the best possible recovery. It would mean a lot to us. Thank You.

this for you steve:

joe, josie and i came to visist you today.
did you hear us?we were tlakign to you.i dont even think you'll rememebr.i couldnt help but just.. talk to you.tell you things. try to get you to wake up..it really didnt matter whether you could hear it or not. it all just needed to be said. basically, we're all okay. josies on crutches, but she'll be fine. baby steve... shorts boy.. you are amazing. we miss you so much. we need you. all of your friends came to visit you last night. i even saw a bunch of people at the hospital today. we all care so much. please wake up steve. please. did you know youre my gaurdian angel? you saved my life. it was weird thhat i didnt argue about your decision to sit shotty. really weird. i would have been dead. i would give anything to be laying in that hjospital bed instead of you. anything int he world. i dont want you to be there. i couldnt help but cry when i saw you.
the first thing i could think of doing for you last night was holding you head. i head your head straight and wiped blood off your face nonestop until the ambulance came. even after i had a hard time stepping away and letting them take care of you. you were sayin some pretty crazy shyt last night steve. it scared the fuck out of me. i love you so much. like idk if you even like me that much but dude. youre such a great kid. always resonsible, blah blah. you know. youre just.. amazing. i would do anything to save your life last night. when i got to the hospital they made me wash all you blood off my face and hand and arms. they made me. its weird but i really didnt want to. i stol the seat belt they cut off you. i just wanted somehting to.. idk rememebr you by. becuase its such a horrible thing to say.. but i didnt know how things were going to turn out. i just.. im so worried about you. everyone is. joe josie and i havent slept at all. we cant stop crying. we neeeed you to be okay. you need you to be okay. everyones so worried about you. tomorrows mothers day. the best thing you could ever do for her is to be alive and wake up tomorrow. PLEASE WAKE UP STEVE. i know youre not reading this and youll probably htink im crazy if you ever get around to readin this but.. i just need to tell you. i didnt have enough time today. tomorrow im coming to visit you again. im going to bring my ipod and let you listen to your band and maybe thatll wake you up and remember what youre missing. maybe youll be alike "wtf dude what are you guys playing without me?" and wake up. idk. im going to pick flowers for you too. i dont htink i can give them to you, but ill give them yto your mom. anyways.we love you bro.take it easy. k?see you tomorrow. <3

thank you all for the support. steve is getting better, today he even talked. told a nurse to go fuck herself, as a response, but he was unconscious. doctors estimate it could be day to a week before he fully comes out of a coma. we're heading to beaumont hospital intensive care unit on 13 and woodward tomorrow at 3 to see him. anyone that would like to come with is more than welcome to.

please keep praying for steve, he'll pull through.
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