Jun 09, 2006 15:27
Thing have been interesting lately, not much has happened to me i just miss my mom and everyone in my family. I love living with Elizabeth. i just get home sick so easy... I think that must be not good, I'm 17. plus I always worry that when i'm gone everything will go to hell. My mom always tells me that i keep my family sane, because i keep on the bright side and give humor to things that need lightening up. I know my family can do fine without me i just worry because i have a small family but we are also very close *shrugs*
on a lighter note yesterday it was me and Elizabeth's 14 month anniversary hehe
Art class was kick ass today! i drew a bass it was cool
my reasons
the word "bass" is not right it should be base because the rule is vowel consonant e (v-e) the e makes it a long vowel so bass is wrong but it wont change but i will forever hate it gerrr
sorry i need to rant