Sep 10, 2005 16:15
So I was reading Sonia's LJ, and this looked like fun, I decided to try it. have fun reading:
( ) played spin the bottle
( ) toilet paper someone's house
( ) played poker with money
(x) gone swimming in a white t-shirt ~ yayaaaa Last Dispatch!!!!
(x) been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
(x) liked someone but never told them
(x) went camping
( ) had a crush on your brother's friend ~ i don't have a brother
(x) walked in the rain without an umbrella
(x) told a joke that nobody thought was funny
(x) been in a talent show ~ woot woot Cabaret!!
(x) starting laughing at a bad time
(x) worn something your mom didn't approve of
( ) been to a nude beach
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked pot
( ) drank smirnoff ice
( ) drank jack daniels
( ) cursed in a church
( ) had sex in a hot tub
( ) wanted to be a chef....whenever i cook, i burn something or someone.
( ) been called a slut for kissing someone
(x) burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener ~ beth reminded me of that a few days ago
( ) wanted to be a police officer
(x) been hit on by someone too old
(x) wanted to be a model ~ i used to model
( ) bought lottery tickets
(x) wanted something you couldn't have
( ) had sex on the beach
( ) seen someone shoplift
(x) hung up on someone
( ) yelled at your pet...i have a bird.
(x) bought a thong when the cashier was a guy
( ) tried to strip when drunk
(x) gotten seasick...ooh man...Hawaii
( ) had a stalker
(x) been embarrassed by your family
(x) felt bad about eating meat ~ yay for being a Vegetarian!!!!
(x) protested something
(x) been to an island
(x) been in love
(x) ate just because you were bored
(x) looked at something everyone thought was ugly and said "aww"
( ) screamed in a library
( ) made out with a stranger
(x) wished a part of you was different
(x) asked a guy to dance
(x) been asked out by a really hot guy
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) went up to a complete stranger and started talking ~ last summer in Boston being a Dispatch rep
(x) been sunburned ~ too many times
( ) kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert. inflicting pain as a way of relieving anger is a bad idea
( ) threw up in school
( ) received an anonymous love letter
(x) had to wear something you hated
(x) been to a luau ~ HAWAII '04!
(x) cursed in front of your parents
( ) been in a commercial on tv
(x) been out of your country
(x) been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk
( ) won at pool...i suck at pool
( ) went to a party where you were the only sober one. yay for hanging out with friends that don't drink.
(x) went on a diet
( ) been lost out to sea ~ that sounds so dramatic
(x) been told an extremely stupid line
(x) played truth-or-dare
( ) cheated on your boyfriend
( ) tanned topless
( ) been attacked by seagulls
(x) been searched at an airport
(x) thrown a shoe at someone...i think i threw my shoe at Trevor last week
(x) sung in the shower....and in the car
(x) bought something way too expensive ~ fucking skates
(x) done something really stupid that you still laugh about. i fell through a dock when i was little
(x) been walked in on when you were dressing...ahem Amy Bettina
( ) ran out of a movie theater because you were too scared of the movie
( ) been kicked out of the mall
(x) been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
( ) been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
( ) done something stupid when you were drunk...again, i don't drink
( ) fell off your roof
(x) had a deer jump in front of your car...i didn't hit it though
(x) threatened someone with a water gun
( ) can you: unwrap a starburst with your tongue
(x) open your eyes underwater ~ very bad idea with contact lenses
( ) eat whatever you want and not have to worry ~ i wish
(x) ice skate!!!!!!! yes!!!
(x) sing in front of a crowd ~ badly...anyone remember sophomore year?
(x) whistle
(x) do thirty pull ups ~ yeah rock climbing!!!!!!!
(x) walk in really high heels
( ) eat super spicy foods
( ) skateboard
(x) sleep with lights on ~ i can fall asleep practically anywhere
(x) multi-task
( ) touch your nose with your tongue
( ) fall asleep easily in a car
(x) do the cotton eyed joe
(x) play DDR...can i? yes. am i good? god no.
( ) surf ~ no but i would LOVE to learn
(x) fit in your locker
(x) taste the difference between coke and pepsi ~ diet coke is the way to go
(x) do a split
Ok, that was fun. Anyone else going to the football game tonight? I think I am, so if you are, call my cell.