Jan 05, 2005 19:30
So, today has been a pretty good day. Yay for that. I've come to a conclusion that bad days happen only to make one realize how good the better days are. Ok, so that's speaking from my perspective.
Yesterday was hell-ish, so let's not get into it. Thanks for being so supportive!! (you know who you are.)
Vacation was fun and very needed. Good times getting together with family.
one night at dinner:
Anya: "Julia, why don't you have some chicken? It's good for you."
Me: "um, no thanks. I still don't eat meat. And chicken isn't all that good for you."
Anya: "I didn't eat meat either until I was craving Lamb one day!"
(I have a real, die-hard former vegetarian of an aunt, don't I?)
I got a tan, that was exciting. Falling asleep in the middle of the day at the pool, listening to Dispatch and waking up with a tan. What could be better than that?
Oh yeah, and then on New Year's Day (after 5 hours of sleep) taking a taxi from the airport to AJC at midnight, missing the concert, being told that I arrived a minute after it had ended, and then going home. Good times.
Hope everyone had a great vacation!!!!
So I was pleasantly surprised by my last posting, that people actually do read my livejournal. yay for that. thanks guys!
So, I feel terrible that I've been so negative and bitchy lately. Sorry guys.
Big thanks to the friends that have helped and stuck through it with me. It really means a lot. I love you all.
Totally looking forward to this weekend, it's gonna rock. can't wait!!
Ok, that's all for now!